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A/n pov:

The man was looking that old lady coldly while Sora was still looking at him

Unknown man: will you stop grabbing everyone?! First you harassed me and now to this Missy, leave us alone otherwise I will call police

Old lady started laughing and both looked at him in confusion

Old lady: I warned you already...

And she left that place while blabbering

That unknown man looked towards Sora and asked

Unknown man: are you okay?

Sora: yeah, just overwhelmed

Unknown man: ikr, she also said same things to me, she is crazy, Don't mind her

Sora: yeah but her words are still giving me goosebumps, I mean she was warnings us from whom?
Unknown man: like I said don't mind her, she seems mentally disturbed

Sora: okay, between thank you

Unknown man: it's alright, I'm namjoon

Sora: Sora, Jung Sora

Namjoon: nice to meet you, I just moved in yesterday with my brother

Sora: oh yes I saw it, we also just moved in here a day before you with my brother

Namjoon: oh then we all are new

Sora: how about you both brothers come to mansion for house warming

Namjoon: yeah why not

Sora: see ya tomorrow then

Namjoon: yeah, bye bye

Sora: bye

And with that both went t their respective home

Time skips~

Sora was going upstairs after filling her jug when suddenly her gaze went another stair that is going downway

Sora was going upstairs after filling her jug when suddenly her gaze went another stair that is going downway

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Sora: Huh what's there

She came down and saw attic which was locked.

Sora: it's locked...

She returned upstairs and went to miss Kang who was working in kitchen.

Sora: miss Kang, I saw Attic downway locked

She stopped doing her works suddenly and turned around

Miss Kang: oh is that so...

Sora: yeah do you know where are the keys?

Miss Kang: no, I don't know

Sora: oh, do you know why it's locked?

Miss Kang: how will I know dear, besides that attic have nothing to's just like store room..filled with broken and unused materials, or things of previous family

Sora: oh, who were they?

Miss Kang: song family..

Sora: why did they left this mansion?

Miss Kang: I don't know much but I heard that their children suddenly disappeared one night, and they found dead body of their friend. Police searched alot but didn't found them and the killer who killed their friend

Sora: oh, I can understand how they had feel that time, loosing children and leaving alone in this mansion with their memories must had great trauma for them, that's why they would had decided to left

Miss Kang: yeah... anyways I'm making kimchi today, will it be okay with you?

Sora: yeah,

Miss Kang: okay you go your room and take rest

Sora: yeah

And with that she left that place

Miss Kang looked outside the window and said

Miss Kang: I hope those things will not get repeat again....

Time skips~

Sora was studying when suddenly yoongi called her


Sora: hey

Yoongi: hey Sora, so did you decided?

Sora: yes, how about you come tomorrow in my mansion, I am organising house warming, there will be only five of us and we will also discuss our projects there

Yoongi: okay but can I bring jeyi too?

Sora: yeah why not!

Yoongi: okay then see ya

Sora: yeah bye

And with that both cut the call

At night:

Sora and hoseok were having dinner when Sora said

Sora: oppa I called our neighbors and my classmates for house warming tomorrow

Hoseok: that's great, when they are coming

Sora: maybe in evening

Hoseok: okay then I'll be back Mansion early

Sora: yeah

And with that both continued to eat their dinner


To be continued...

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