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A/n pov:

Sora started telling about Min Jun

Sora: he was my ex boyfriend..we met in café where he worked as barista, when I first saw him, I felt strong attraction towards him but I shrugged off that feeling. One day he came to give my coffee and complimented me. I thanked him and from there our story got started. We eventually came close and started hanging out frequently. Everything was going well until one day I saw something... which completely changed my life. That day was starting of my miserable life.
I saw him cutting someone's body parts in basement. That scene was horrible, they way he was smiling while doing that made me puke.I started to back off but he saw me. I tried to run but he caught me and tied in chair. He made me inhale chloroform as a result I fainted.
When I woke up I saw him caressing my face with those bloody hands. I tried to shove it away but he grabbed my chin...


Min Jun: honey you shouldn't had watch that...but it's ok since you got to know about this secret, I'll elaborate you.

He let go of my chin and said

Min Jun: you understood right, I'm psychopath. I love blood, I love cutting people, it gives me first I thought to make you my another victim but this stupid heart fell in love with know your beauty, your kind nature melted my heart for I decided to keep you with me and trust me keep you for me I mean only for me...

Sora: you are b-bastard,you are kille.. I hate you I hate you!!!! I can't believe I loved you, you are monster!!! A monster!!!

He slapped me and said

Min Jun: don't fcking make me angry Sora, you should be grateful that I'm treating you better than everyone otherwise you would had been there under my knife

Sora: please let go of me..

Min Jun: tsk tsk Sora, you still didn't got it, what I said you will be with me... forever and ever

Flashback ends:

Present time:

Sora: I stayed there for four days, tied on chair, everytime he come with another dead body and start cutting them b-brutally

Sora eyes filled with tears and Jin hugged her

Jin: shh it's alright, you are now safe

Jeyi: how did you escape from there?

Hoseok: when I found her missing, I reported missing complaint. My mind wasn't working what to do. I got to know about Min Jun from café shop and I rushed to his house. At first I didn't got anything suspicious against him but i saw Sora's bag outside the house in garden. I immediately understood sora is kidnapped by him. I called the police and we saved her. Police arrested him and I found Sora in miserable condition.

Sora: after that incident his memories never left from my mind..I got mentally disturbed by these. That killings, cutting, his words greatly affected my mind.

Hoseok: it took her two years to get completely back to normal.

Sora: that days were nightmare and when I saw him today, I thought t-those days are coming b-back..

Jin: it's alright, I can understand...that bastard deserves to die

Hoseok: he is dead, the court ordered to execute him, I don't know why you dreamt about him

Sora: oppa it all felt real..I don't know how, he was in front of me, talking..

Yoongi: I'll explain this, remember one page was missing from the box?

Namjoon: yeah

Yoongi: I got it

Jeyi: really?

Yoongi put the paper on table and said

( Pic A/n/I)

Yoongi: Read the last line, here it says if we fails to do either of the things, midnight man will haunt us with our worst fears

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Yoongi: Read the last line, here it says if we fails to do either of the things, midnight man will haunt us with our worst fears. In Sora's case, her worst fear was Min Jun, that deeply affected her, so midnight man created an illusion of him so that he can control her and make her kill herself in disguise of that thing

Namjoon: so it was all doing of midnight man, he kills people by creating illusion that feels real, and if wasn't save at Right time, the victim will take her own life

Jeyi: yes, no wonder everyone was scared of him so much.

Hoseok: so the myths were right and now we have to save ourselves from him

Everyone nodded

Namjoon: I am going to take salts from kitchen, just in case

Jin: I'm going back to attic to find something useful

Hoseok: I'll stay with Sora

Jeyi: me too

Yoongi: I'll go upstairs to find more candles


To be continued...

After sora who do you think will be the next victim? 👀

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