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A/n pov:

Sora felt scared as there were no lights and it was completely dark. Only her fast breathings were audible.
She started banging on door which heard by hoseok and jeyi outside there

Hoseok quickly rushed to kitchen to see Sora locked up inside

Hoseok: Sora!!

He tried to open the door but failed since the door's knob wasn't even twisting.

Hoseok: hold there Sora, I'll take you out

Hoseok: how tf it got locked?!

Jeyi who was listening this, said

Jeyi: hoseok quickly find keys, she have no time, I bet her candle is extinguished

Hoseok: i don't know where it is!!

Jeyi: damn it!! Find some object to break the door, you can't break it with muscular force

Hoseok: yeah, Sora I'll be right back
Sora who wasn't listening anything since her eyelids started to getting heavy.

She saw a figure approaching towards her and she didn't took time to realise that it's midnight man. She was trying her best to open her eyes but he is doing some kind of magic to her.
She started crawling back and midnight man changed into another figure.. which made Sora's face more pale. She started having panic attacks to see the person in front of her...that person was her worst nightmare, that person who ruined her mentally, that person who made her depressed and timid. That person who was devil disguised in angel, none other than his late ex boyfriend~ Min Jun...

He came near her and said

Min Jun: missed me........ Honey~

The word honey which once was favourite of Sora is now most hated and scary word for her now.

Sora: t-this c-can't b-be r-real, y-o-u a-re d-ead

Min Jun: yes honey I'm dead but alive for you... didn't you promised me once, we will be together forever...and ever....

Sora: y-ou are crazy!! You are psycho, I was blind and dumb to believe on you, I can't believe I fell in love with someone like you. I hate you!! I fcking hate you!!

Min Jun: but I love you, see I just came back for you...honey...I love you so much and now I'll take you with me by killing you so that we will remain together forever

Sora: even though I'll be dead, my soul will not go with you!!

And with that she get up dragged knife from rack and threw towards him. The knife didn't done any harm to him, but his eyes filled with rage

Min Jun: guess what sora, I'll have to teach you lesson again

And with that he lunged forwards and slapped her hard causing her to stumble. He then grabbed her hair and said

Min Jun: trust me honey, I'll kill you so mercilessly even your soul will also not dare to look at the body

Sora's faced filled with horror and she tried to get out from her grip but failed

Min Jun touched her face and said

Min Jun: I can't wait to kill you

And with that his fingers grew into long and sharp nails and he was about to scratch her when someone pulled her causing her to open her eyes to find yoongi holding her

Yoongi: Sora Sora are you okay??!?!

Sora: t-that he-he will kill me

Yoongi: no one is there, it was a nightmare, no one is harming you, in fact you were about to kill Yourself

Sora: this is all confusing, what happening

Yoongi: calm down, first let you get out from here

And with that yoongi brought her to hall where she was engulfed in embrace of her brother

Hoseok: Sora, I'm glad to see you fine!!

Sora: oppa I saw him...he h-he Said he will kill me and take me with him

Hoseok: Min Jun?? How?

Yoongi: maybe I'll able to explain this if you will tell me who was he and why you are so much scared from him

Sora: he.....


To be continued....

Sorry lovelies for updating late, I was just feeling too lazy to write, in fact I wasn't having mood to do anything since I was dealing with stress, but now I'm little bit fine and will try to update frequently

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