Brambleclaw's sorrow

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"Choose now, or Squirrelflight dies." Ashfur hissed.

"I choose? Like why the hell in Starclan would I do that?" I scowled, glaring at him.

"You think I don't dare to kill her? You doubt my words?" Ashfur growled menacingly.

"Of course you would," I scoffed. "You love her too much."

"Oh, I love her so much that I just might kill her and then die myself, and we would be together in Starclan." Ashfur purred scratchily.

I backed away, horror filling my gaze. "No.."

"Choose. Break up with Squirrelflight, or I'll kill her. Personally." Ashfur unsheathed his claws, as if he could see Squirrelflight at that moment.

"Don't do anything to her. If you do, I swear you wouldn't even have a body or soul to go up to Starclan." I snarled. "I'll break up with her."

"Perfect, Brambleclaw," Ashfur blinked. "Make sure you mean what you say, or prepare to send Squirrelflight off."


"Squirrelflight stop." I swallowed back a cry. "I don't love you anymore, we should stop being mates."

I almost whimpered at the sight of Squirrelflight breaking down. "Why? What did I do? What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just me. I don't love you anymore." I stated cooly, stopping myself from going over and comforting her, to tell her that what I just said was all a lie.

"Fine." She whispered, turning tail and dashing off.

Ashfur breezed pass me, smirking. "Good job."

I resisted the urge to slit his throat and padded into the forest, knowing that my life would change forever without Squirrelflight. However, that was the only way to save her.

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