Lionblaze's Truth

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Hey I'm Lionblaze. You all think I love Cinderheart right? I even had kits with her. That's partly true, but she wasn't my first love. It's a little confusing, but I'll explain it to you.

It all started when our powers were revealed. I would never be defeated in battle, Dovewing had advanced senses, and Jayfeather could read people's minds and enter their dreams.

We were all stressed, especially Dovewing. I didn't know from when, but I started falling in love with her.

However my mate at that time was supposed to be Cinderheart. But once I told her about my powers, she refused to be my mate. Therefore I went to Dovewing.

"Hi Dovewing." I Meowed and settled down next to her after grabbing a vole. "Are you hungry? Want to share?"

"Sure." She purred as I pushed the colr to her.

She took a few small bites before pushing It back to me. I did the same. Soon the vole was finished.

Then, our relationship got closer. We went out hunting together everyday and did stuff together.

One day, while we were sharing tongues Cinderheart padded over.
"Lionblaze," she hissed and glared at Dovewing.

Dovewing looked shocked and nodded to me. "Go on, I'll be fine." I blinked at licked her ear before heading off with Cinderheart.

She led me to the forest and swept around. "What's with you and that she cat?" She snarled.

I shook my head. "Why would you care? You won't be my mate anyway."

Cinderheart glared at me. "You like her, don't you?"

I lost my patience. "So what? You shouldn't care. Yes I do like her. Got a problem with that?" I snapped.

Cinderheart's eyes narrowed. "I thought you loved me."

"I did, but obviously you didn't love me enough." I closed my eyes.

"But I do," she whispered. "I have your kits."

I whirled round. "What?"

Back at camp after 5 days

"Dovewing, I- Cinderheart has kits." I Meowed.

"That's great news!" Dovewing licked my ear and mewed excitedly. "You're a father!"

It was then when I realized Dovewing liked me, as a friend, and only as a friend.

"Yeah, it's great isn't it?" I forced a purr and watched her pad away.

I twitched. These few days Dovewing hasn't been in camp a lot, especially at night. I was curious and decided to follow her.

I stalked her quietly as she sniffed the air. Her eyes lit up in excitement. "Tigerheart!"

She ran over and touched noses with the Shadowclan warrior. "Hi Dovewing."

They twined tails and padded away. So that's why. I turned and padded away sadly.

Don't kill me LionCinder fans! This was requested by SilverKatana

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