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Michie's POV

"Checkmate." Taehyung stated after winning our first game.

"H-how did y-you do that? I thought you're-

"Gold medalist in international chess competition since second grade." He blurted.

My mouth went agape. "W-what?"

"Now, shall I think of a part of you I want to conquer?" He said while scanning my whole body with his deep cold brown eyes.

My heart started beating so fast while waiting for him to have his decision. It startled me when he suddenly moved closer to me and smelled my neck. "W-what are you doing?!"

"Maybe I'll just have this part for now." He mumbled.

"M-my neck?! T-taehyung."

He suddenly kissed my neck, and it brought shiver to my whole body, that felt like my whole body was being electrified by his lips. I put my right hand to his chest to stop him. "P-please..."

"You should know how to obey agreements, Michie. Your neck is mine now so you no longer have the right to tell me what to do with it." He whispered between his kisses.

"B-but- Ahh..."

"You smell so fucking good..." He mumble as he begin nibbling and sucking my neck as if it was my lips. I held tight on his shirt as I stopped myself from moaning.

"Why am I feeling this way? I want him to stop, but at the same time, it feels so good..."

"That would be all for now. I'm afraid I would end up conquering you fully tonight so let's stop here." He said, as he moved away from me. My face started heating up.

"Look at me, Michie."

I kept my head lowered. "Mmm?"

"I said look at me."  He commanded with a colder and reprimanding voice so I had no choice but to look at his face.

"I will conquer you one by one until I finally have your whole body, and when the time finally comes and you are fully mine, you won't be spending an entire day without being punished by me. I will fuck you until you can't walk anymore. I will fuck you in every corner of this room and in every way that I want."

I was just staring at his face while my hands were shaking. He looks so serious while he was saying those words and I couldn't help but be afraid, but I didn't let him see that I'm afraid.

"You can never conquer me fully, taehyung. You maybe able to get my eyes, my nose, my neck, my lips or even my whole body, but not my heart."

"It's alright, I don't want your heart; all I want is you and your damn hot body." He whispered as he stood up.

"Go on and sleep now, make sure to go home on time tomorrow because we're going to play another game."

I stood up, fixing the collar of my shirt that has been stretched when taehyung kiss my neck. "I will make sure to win over you, taehyung."

"I'll wait for that."

I closed his door and heaved a deep sigh of relief as soon as I entered my room. I ran my fingers through my neck and I could still feel  his bite marks on it. I walked towards the full length mirror to see my neck. "Oh my gosh... Did he just give me a hickey. Fuck you, taehyung."

Those biting and sucking that he did to my neck a while ago left hickeys on me. For sure my best friend going to asked me about it. And even Jungkook , I'm sure he would be suspicious if he ever sees this.

Something pierced my heart as soon as I thought of jungkook.

Speaking of him, he did mention that he already have someone that he like. A beautiful, smart, and mature girl who is also kind hearted. I wonder who's that girl is. That only means that I don't have any chance on him, right? He already has someone he loves, so I think I finally have to give up on him too.


"D-do you already have someone you like, Jungkook?"

He drank some of his coffee before looking at me. "I have."

He leaned on the bench while looking up at the sky, while I was just staring at him. I don't even know why, but suddenly I felt nervous while waiting for what he was going to say.

"I've been in love with her since the first time that we met. She's beautiful, smart, and kind woman. She's everything that a man could ask for."

E N D  O F  F L A S H B A C K

I lay down on my bed as tears began filling my eyes. Forget him... Forget Jungkook Michie.

Can I even do that? No, I can't. I like him. A lot, how am I supposed to do that. He's the only person who understands me. He's the only person who cares about me, the person who makes my heart beat so fast everytime we talk to each other. Who always makes me smile genuinely. I don't know if I could still love someone the way I love Jungkook.

I hugged my pillow and continue crying. " What should I do now, mom?"



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