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Jungkook's POV

I love Michie. I've been loving her ever since the day that we first met, but I never told her about it because my mind full of what if's. And I never wanted her to stay away from me, so I decided not to tell her. I'll just wait until the right time comes. And confess to her.

But then out of nowhere I suddenly knew that he's my brother's wife. She's married to my brother. When I found out that they were married, my heart broke into millions of pieces.  That's the time I knew that I'll never be able to confess my feelings to her.

I wanted too but... I don't want my brother to get hurt, like what he experience with Mi-rae. Because he only loves Mi-rae but Mi-rae loves me. I tried to move on and forget about my feelings but then...


"By the way. Jungkook."


"I-i just wanted to asked you something; I hope you won't mind it."

I looked at her. "Sure, I won't mind, what is it?"

"D-Do you already have a girlfriend?" She suddenly asked out of the blue.

I didn't speak for a while. I was surprised by her question.

"Yes, I do." Is all I can say.

She looked at me and smiled. How I wish to see that smile everyday. "I-i knew it... I knew it. For sure she's so lovely."

I didn't answer her. I just continue walking while holding myself back from the urge to confess to her any moment now. But of course I can't do that. She's already married.

She suddenly stopped walking so I looked at her confusingly. "Michie?"

"Jungkook, I know it's too late now, but I just want to say this to you."


She took a deep breath before looking at me again. I don't even know why but I suddenly felt nervous.

"D-Do you know that you are my first love?"

My whole word stopped the moment she said that word. It was as if everything and everyone us stopped. I looked at her with my furrowed brows. Maybe I heard it wrong.

"M-michie, what are you-

"I liked you ever since the day that I met you. I have a crush on you ever since the first day. I never had the chance to confess to you, because I'm scared of what if's. I liked you Jungkook, No. I love you."

I was staring at her, surprised. She look so beautiful that I wanted to just kiss her right here, right now.

"B-but don't worry, t-that was a long time ago. I already have a husband and you already have a girlfriend. I just wanted to say it because I wanted to finally moved on from my feelings towards you I mean, I just think that you deserve it. You deserve to know it."


"I-i'm sorry... Please please don't avoid me, because of what I said. I don't want you to ignore me. Please kookie-

She wasn't able to continue what she was about to say because I pulled her close to me and hugged her tightly in my arms.

"You don't have to apologize, Michie... Thank you for saying it..."

She hugged me back. She hugged me tight and I hugged her even tighter. I hugged her hoping I could tell her that I loved her too. And I still do. I wanted to tell her everything, I wanted to tell her to just go with me instead. I wanted her to be mine instead. Just only mine. But I never did told her any of that and it pained me so bad.

I smiled at her as soon as we both moved away from hugging each other. I was surprised to see her crying. " W-why are you crying, Michie?"

"N-nothing..." She smiled. "I'm just so happy... That I finally confess my feelings to you..."

"Thank you." I said and smiled back.

She stared at my face. " W-we can still be friends right?"

I wanted to tell you No. I don't want too, because I want you to be my girlfriend. But instead. I nodded. "Friends."

"Friends." She repeatedly said.

That night. I did the most stupid thing that I did in my whole life. Agreeing to be friends with the woman whom I really loved.


Hello, so here's another chapter of HIS INNOCENT BRIDE. I'm really sorry it was a short one, it's because I am really sleepy And I have work tomorrow. As soon as my work is done. I'll update a new chapter, promise. So, that's all. Goodnight or good morning, chingu's. 😌


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