Robot City

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Dynasty and Rodney went to the station. Before they got their tickets their parents showed up.

"There you are! Told you we'd find them it's a mother's instinct," Mrs. Said as she walked to them.

"They left us a note. We're leaving. Going to the train station," Mr. Replied shaking his head.

"Where do u think u two are going?"

"We're going to Robot city!" Dynasty exclaimed.

"Ro.. but you two are just children!"

"Mom we're nobody's here! I wanna be an inventor! I wanna meet Bigweld! I wanna be somebody!"

"You are somebody! Somebody that's not getting on that train!"

"Yes we are!"

"Talk to them!" She finally let's Mr.Copperbottom have a say.

      "Two ticket for Robot City."

"Where are you going?"

"Not me. Them"


"Kids, did you know that when I was

your age, I wanted to be a musician?

I played pretty well too...

...but my dad was worried

I wouldn't be able to make a living.

So I got refitted to be a dishwasher.

Now, I'm not complaining.

But I've always said to myself...

...if I could do it over again,

I would follow my dream.

You've got greatness in you, Rodney

Never doubt it.

You go to Robot City.
You go meet Bigweld,

and you show him your big ideas.

And, Rodney...

...never, never give up." Mr. Copperbottom booms with passion hugging the both of us. Mrs. Copperbottom hesitantly gives us our luggage and hugs us tightly with sorrow.

We both board the train.

"Don't worry I'll keep an eye on him!" Dynasty shouts as she waves.

"I won't let you down dad! I'll make you proud!"
  We back up, letting the door close. We waved and rook our seats.
   "Oh my gosh we did it! We are on our way to Robot city! This is exciting!" Dynasty sqeaked in excitement and Rodney laughs.

First person pov

      The next day we arrived. Once we got off we tried asking for directions to Mr. Bigweld but are having no luck. We then were being flashed by some cameras. Two robots one tall, red Robot and a short blue one were taking photos, trying to scam us of our money. Once they were distracted we made our way to the "bus stop" to take us to Bigweld industry.
    However once we were put in a booth, the red Robot was there sleeping. He kept falling into Rodney shoulder and I started laughing. Once the ride started he woke up.
Say, are you two following me?


First time on the cross-town express?

Well, actually, we...

"Oh, boy. Good luck in the big city. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. And if you can't make it here, welcome to the club." The ride starts to go uphill and stops.

- Oh, no.

What? What is it?

We're going off the track. We're gonna crash!


I don't wanna die!" He screams as well as Rodney and I scream when it falls. We then land on a catapult.

"I was just kidding. Just put your head between your legs."

"What!" I shout and we get shot through the air. We went though different tunnels and sharp turns and loopy loops. I vomited at one point but I made sure it was away from the two bots. A few times the Robots landed one and I was glad for the extra protection from the outer shell of the outfit.
  We finally got off and the red Robot was wacked with a large hammer to take him to his stop. We strode up to the door of Bigweld industry to see Tim from the show.
   He was not very friendly and would not let us in. We used Wonderbot to fly us up to the top of the skyscraper and I was more scared of heights than wonderbot because I could die from the Hight we were at. Wonderbot flung us in. Rodney landed in front of a woman bot and I hardly landed on my feet. Tripping a bit and fell into the arms of the silver Robot that was standing on the table.
  "I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed but then we hear Wonderbot fly in and head straight for me and the silver bot. I gasped and quickly grabbed him before he could hit my face. I back up and bump into Rodney. He holds my shoulders protectively.

"Sir, I am a young inventor, and it has

been my dream to come to Robot City...
...and to present my ideas

to Mr. Bigweld. Who doesn't seem to be here." Rodney proclaimed and looks around in slight confusion.

"Gee, no, no. But while he's away,

he left me in charge." The silver Robot grumbles then glares at me. I don't know why me. Rodney is the one talking.

"Oh, well, then let me show you

what this can do." Rodney suggests and I hold up Wonderbot.

"I have a better idea. Why don't you

let me show you what it can do.

It can do this!" He shouts as he snatched wonderbot out of my hands and kicks it out the window. He then calls in security, sending Rodney out. Before I could follow, the silver Robot grabs the top of my head to stop me but the shell came off showing who and what I am. I turn around in surprise and fear as everyone gasped.
  "Hey!" I shout as I grabbed the head shell. He slowly walks up to me as I back up. He soon had me cornered.
   "What are you?" He growled as he looked at me, extremely close to my face.
    "It's none of your b-business what I am but I-I-I am Dynasty Copperbottom. The robot you threw out was my brother and- and that was extremely rude of you!" I shuddered. He chuckled evily as he twirled his finger in a small amount of my hair.
     "Your brother huh? That mean you were adopted since he's an actual full on Robot while you are pretending to be one," He cooed and let's go of my hair, backing up a little.
     "You may go what ever you are. As long as you do as I say when I need you. Your secret is safe with me,"
   I nod putting the head back on, running out of the building. Once I was out Rodney was nowhere in sight.
   I look up to see Tim smiling.
"How'd it go?"
"Not what we were expecting. Not even me. I...think I have a job? He said to help him when I'm needed so...yeah," I explained.
  "Wow congrats kid. Your brother was here earlier. He was magnetized and was running away from a lot of junk coming at him. He went that way," Tim said pointing to my right. I then proceeded to go look for him.

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