Son of a Monster

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The street lights were lit and the roads were bare of any life. The sweepers are all that remain in the night as I look down from my window. As I peer down I spot Fender walking a girl home.

He might have info on how things went after they left the party.

I went out and found him dancing and singing. He seem so happy so I joined him. He was surprised but still kept going and made our way to the middle of the road. However we were to distracted to hear a sweeper coming up behind us. It scooped both of us up and we were trapped inside.

"IM STILL ALIBE YOU CANT DO THIS!" Fender yells as he bangs on the door. I stand up from the rubble and brush myself off.
"That's not going to do anything. It's gonna take us to the chop shop. Since we are still living I'm sure we will be able to make it out alive," I sigh and Fender turns to me in panic.
  "THE CHOP SHOP! we wouldn't be able to get out alive! Why would you think we would?!?"He screams and starts banging again. I roll my eyes and wait patiently for our destination.
  A few minutes later the door flings open to reveal an open fire. We were being pulled in with all the other garbage. Fender tries his best to run but his top half falls off. He reaches for another as I try to catch up to him.
"Fender we have to jump!" I shout as he realizes the legs he got were female parts.
"AH! This is soo wrong!" He squeaks and he jumps off. I jump with him as I realized he was attached to a spring, to soften our fall.
When we were reaching for something to grab hold, we spot Rachet and another robot. Something seem familiar about them. I tried to get down but we were soon noticed. As they approached, Fender lost his grip and was slingshot back up. As he went he tried to grip me but instead took the shell off, leaving me exposed.

"A HUMAN!" The other Robot growls. They grabbed my throat and lifted me up in the air, choking me.
"I Thought I got rid of the last of you pests!" She shouts with a sneer with Rachet next to her.
"Um mom can you put her down she's with me. Wait what do you mean you thought you got rid of them?"He questions and she drops me. I take a deep breath as I cough from the rough treatment. Rachet helps me up and holds me close.
  "Mom she is the last of her kind. She is a valuable part of history. I think she should be spared," He defends and she gave us both a glare, rolls her eyes then sighs.
"Fine. Fine. As long as our plan goes well. Just get her out of here," she grumbles and Rachet pulls me with him towards the exit.
  "That's your mom?!?!" I exclaimed and he groans with embarrassment.
   "Yeah I got my looks from my pops. What are you doing here anyways. Why were you with that outmode?"

"He is my brothers friend! We were hanging out and we were caught by a sweeper. Outmodes are just as important as you!" I growled. He doesn't reply nor looks at me. We kept going until we reached his limo. The ride was silent as we watched out our respective windows, watching bots walk, run or play.
  "I'm sorry. I just don't really want you to get hurt. Usually most outmodes still have the mission to kill humans. I-"
"So I'm not allowed near any? You know how many years I have hid I...wait...the age I thought I was. I'm actually older if I think about it...there was this one incident at a pizza place with the last existing robots without a conscious. I...I don't know" I started to have a revelation. I was internally panicking as Rachet looked shocked. Silence once again took over as we  reach our destination. We returned up to the apartment and both ploped down on the couch.
  "Can you do me a favor and stay home tomorrow. You can invite your friends and your brother. Just until I can get another shell for you?" He asks. I sigh and nodded. He smiles softly, pats my shoulder and gets up to make dinner.

  Wow...this is crazy. I think I'm starting to like him.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 24 ⏰

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