Ratchet's gift

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Once I arrived, Ratchet was waiting by the gate for me.

"That's the girl I wanna see! Follow me babe, you're gonna love it," He chuckles with a smirk plastered on his face that I wanted to smack right off. I sighed and made my way over as he leads me inside.

"It better be good, I was about to head to bed. It's been a rough day," I sneered up at him. He laughs and roughly pats my back.

"Oh I know Dynasty. I bet it's been a long time since you showered right? I smelled you from a mile away!" He continues as I glare at him in annoyance.
"Yes it has. Don't need to rub it in! Can't find a proper shower since the war!"I barked as we made it up to the upper levels of the building. He pulls my arm tightly and leads me to a room.
  The room was as if it were a whole house! Livingroom, kitchen, and other rooms I do not know what's inside yet.
  "This will be your living quarters. Can't have a rare jem like you living with a bunch of out modes," He scoffs and let's go of my arm. Thank God for the robot shell.
  "I appreciate the offer but I already ha-"
Ratchet turns around and gets in my face.
"You are a human living amongst robots who could kill you if they found out that you are alive. I don't know how you kept it a secret for this long using only an outer shell. Be happy that I destroyed the employees that saw what you were!" He growls in my face. I quickly nodded and he backs away. He then hands me a key to the room...house? Ill just call it an apartment...to big to be an apartment though.
  I sighed and went to find which room had a bedroom. I found it but I had taken a shower first. The bathroom was as large as the living room. It had a hot tub, bathtub/shower, toilet, sink and a shelf full of all kinds of soaps and spa supplies. I picked out a black licorice body wash, lemon oil anti-dandruff 2 in 1, black licorice scented lotion, deodorant and a peel off charcoal face mask to use. I was in the shower for maybe an hour or so. It was so nice to finally be clean and refreshed.
   I wrapped myself in a long silver towel, wrapped my hair and put the face mask cream on. I went back to the living room to see that my old cloths were gone and a new outer shell of a robot was laying on the couch. Rachet was in the open kitchen cooking something up.
    I quickly ran to the bedroom before he could look and found pj's on my bed. They were silver as well. I put them on and went back out. Ratchet looked at me confused.
    "Why did you run?" He questioned as I blushed in slight embarrassment.
   "I only had a towel on. I was practically naked! Where are my cloths I left here?" I huffed and he rolls his eyes.
   "I had them burned. I have new cloths for you being shipped. They will be here tomorrow," Ratchet explains as I sat at the island bar. He slides the plate over that has Mac n cheese and a chicken patty sandwich.
   "I...um. Thanks. Why are you doing this for me? You could have just let me "die by robots" and have me keep doing what I was doing. It did last this far...well until you ripped the shell off that is," I asked and ate a bite of the sandwich. Before he could answer I moan with my eyes closed and banged my fist against the counter.
  "You have no idea how long it's been since I had a proper human meal. This is really goo-I erm..." I looked up to see him with his eyes wide and mouth open slightly in shock. I blushed and covered my face as I apologized. He gently moves my hand away from my face.

  "What was that? Why are you red? What was that noise you made?" He questiones, still holding my hand in his.
  "I-umm...humans tend to turn red a little when they are either sick, flustered, embarrassed or humiliated...the noise I made is what we make whe-when something tastes or feels really good," I stutter. He let's go and hums, satisfied with the answer he was given.
  "Eat and rest up. You have a new day ahead of you," he coughs and leaves. I resumed eating then went to bed, hoping that the next day will be better.

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