(The Escape)

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'Long ago the magical land of Undertale was ruled by a skeleton whose sole was as cold as stone, his name was Error. The God of Chaos and Destruction, after many long oppressive years his tyranny was ended when two powerful gods named Creation and Destruction use six powerful object called the Elements of Harmony to turn him to stone. They thought the spell would be permanent but after over a thousand years the elements were recovered by myself and my five friends, because the goddesses were no longer connected to their power Error was released from his stone prison and the first thing he did was take his anger out on Undertale. He tried his best to tear our friendship apart so the elements would fail and he would be free forever. But the bond between us was too strong break, all the Sanses rejoiced at our success for Error was defeated and will never escape again. Except... what we had told Undertale was a lie...
What truly happened that day...
Was this'

The five skeletons all cheered after the big bright rainbow came out of nowhere and stuck Error, "I can't believe it we did it!" Dream cheered, Dream the element of Positivity also the leader of the group was so happy he almost did a little dance. They all cheered again jumping up and down, well... not all of them. Lust, the element of Beauty, cut in saying "We finally defeated him oh good riddance I think he was absolutely horrible monster, not to say that he has a terrible sense of fashion." Science, the element of Intelligence, was never known to be a party person so they were quite shocked when Sci shouted "This calls for a party!" Lust cut in again saying "Come on boys let's go to the spa to celebrate! My treat." He said winking at the last bit. They all cheered, except for Geno and Dust and surprisingly Ink. Sci smiled and turned towards where he thought he would see a statue of Error but was met with nothing. He cut them off saying "Wait a second, where's Error?" Geno, the element of Death, said "Don't you know anything Sci, we turned him to stone remember?" He may have been a bit harsh but he didn't get any sleep last night sooo, anyways back to the story. Sci rolled his eyes "I know that, but, where's his statue?" Science asked as he pointed to where the statue was supposed to be. Dust, the element of Magic, sighed and rolled his eyes and said "Oh, Sci, Sci, Sci, it's right over-" he stopped when he looked in front of him only to see nothing, "-Hey! Where is he!?" He shouted as his eyes widen and looked around trying to see if he could spot the God of Destruction, they all gasped when they turned to face where Sci and Dust faced and started to panic.

"Your right where is he?! He should be here where's he gone!" Lust said

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Ink, the element of Creativity, whispered in a panicked voice.

Geno was confused and so was Dust.

"He should be right here! His giant, ugly, statue thing, but it's not here! Where could he possibly be!" Lust shouted pacing back and forth wondering where Error had gone. Dream was clueless he made sure that the spell would've worked but now... "I don't understand! That spell should have turned him to stone!" Dream yelled, Ink then yelped and moved backwards as a thought popped into his head, "We didn't...kill him, did we?" Ink asked Dream scared if they just killed a man. Dream shook his head and placed his boney hand on Ink's shoulder and said "I don't think so, he'd still be here-" he got cut off short by Sci gasping thinking of everything that could've of happened. "What if we vaporised him! Or turned him to grass!" He yelled, he didn't really think through about what he was going say, the last one he said cause to much thoughts were swirling in his brain for him to say the proper thing right now, Lust screeched and jumped and yelled " You think we maybe walking on him?!?" They all screamed all except Dust who yelled, "EVERYONE! Clam down! We didn't kill him," there was a long silence before Dust turned his head towards Dream and said "Right? Dream.." Dream shook his head and said "We shouldn't have, the elements of harmony may work in mysterious ways. But they cannot destroy." Geno walked up to Dream being in front of him shouting "Then what the fuck happened! With all the lasers, rainbows, and glowing eyes! And dramatic music coming from nowhere!?" Dream placed a hand on Geno's shoulder "Whatever they did to Error they at least turned everything back to normal." Ink came from the back of Dream and asked "So what do we do now?" Dream thought for a second before gathering everyone up and saying "We must inform the God Creation about this and fast."

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