(The Gala)

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'Previously, on "Husband of Error"

Sci: Where's Error?

Creation: He escaped before the spell hit him.

Dream: We have to find him! Undertale's not safe as long as he's free!

Creation: We do not know where Error is. The only thing we can do is wait for him to come out of hiding.

Error: They all think I'm gone for good~

Ink: I feel like everywhere I turn, he's there, watching me.

Dust: It's been three years.

Creation: HeavenTale is facing a terrible crisis

Horror: But you can't leave right now! The Gala's tomorrow!

Creation: Dream, you will be in charge of everything.

Nightmare: Killer is in no condition to go...

Killer: I'll be fine, Nightmare. Nothing's going to happen to the baby.

Destruction: Brother/Sister, we must turn back!

Error: Too late, your highnesses!

Unsold Presents:
An Inspired Book by DisneyFanatic2364....

Husband of Error

Chapter 2:
The Gala

Chapter 2:The Gala

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At the Gala

The Gala was absolutely beautiful tonight, there was music and dancing and people chatting. Everyone looked so happy! Twilight was shaking hands with skeletons, Geno wasn't there yet but was coming, Dust and Horror were talking, Lust was picking up Palette, Outer and Flowey from the portal station and Ink was in his dressing room getting ready for the big event.

One of the orphans were just looking around amazed with his friends "Oh my god, it's so pretty! Look at the decor!" Another orphan then jumped up and down giggling and shouting excitedly "I just can't believe we were invited to the Gala today! I've never been to a Gala before!" They all cheered saying 'Yay!' Then one of the quiet orphans said in almost a sad voice "Aw, I wish I had a daddy to experience this with." Then one of the most gossipist orphan there ever was came up and said "Hey, guys, did you hear about Geno Sans being here?" The youngest in that group cheered "Yay, Geno Sans!" "It's gonna be so awesome!" "Yay, this party's totally awesome!" And they continued to chat and play around.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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