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Shilo's POV

The weekend was a dream, it was filled with laughter and cute moments between Halo and Des. They really have the cutest little bond and I love that for them. It's Wednesday right now and the boss kept his word and he gave us a week off so we are back to work next week Monday. 

Des has been staying with us up until Tuesday since she had her own things to do. When it was time for her to go home Halo was so sad that she had her hissy fit and wouldn't stop crying. Des had to promise her that she would come over soon and that she would miss her very bad too. 

Halo finally agreed for Des to go but not before making her pinky promise that she would come back soon. That night to cheer her up she stayed in my room with me and we watched  movie, she even got to talk to Des on facetime. 

Right now Halo is at school, Des is off doing her thing and I could say the same for Xio and Tay.  While here I am home, bored out of my mind, but that's fine. I've been wanting to get out of the house and go to the mall to spoil myself and if i'm spoiling myself then I have to be spoiling Halo too.  So looks like we're going shopping. 

I got up going to change my clothes, right now I look like a bummy bum. But when i'm done I should just look like just a  bum and i'm okay with that. I know i'm fine as hell so I don't have to prove that to anybody else.  I changed into a black sweatpants, a tight black tank top and my black and white checkered slip on vans. I grabbed my fanny pack making sure my wallet and keys were in there.  

I sprayed some perfume on, grabbed my phone and left my room. I made sure that there was nothing plugged in cause I wouldn't want a fire to start . After that I left home and made sure I locked the door behind of me.  While I was in the elevator I looked up the closest mall and with that I got to the parking lot and started driving not before shuffling my Spotify playlist. 

When I got there it looked really big and the parking lot was full as hell. It took me a while to find a parking spot but I got one all the way at the far back. I won't complain though cause at least I found one. I walked into the mall and was filled with sensory overload. It was noisy, filled with people chattering and machinery. The inside was really bright, the florescent white light took a while for my eyes to adjust to it.   It was also filled with different smells that I couldn't pin point, It's been a while since i've been in a mall so it takes a little adjustment on my end. 

The first store I went into was baths and bodyworks because that's one of the places that can be seen as heaven on earth to me. I grabbed a cart and started looking around, I may be a masculine presenting woman  but I love pampering myself with these things. I got a couple of sets for both me and Halo and I picked up some bath bombs , and bath oils.  Then I moved to the candle section. 

I love candles, it's just something about being in a warm bath with candles around causing the room to be dimly lit. It gives off a beautiful and serene vibe and after that I sleep like a baby. After I got what I needed, I went to the register and paid. That was the only real place I wanted to visit so I just wandered around aimlessly looking through different stores. 

One thing I noticed is that they have a variety of different stores for every price range.  Look at them being all diversified and shit, good for them. I walked in a couple of clothing stores and and got some matching sets for me and Halo. She's my mini me, don't judge me cause when I get a kid male or female I'm matching with them too. 

When I was picking up some shoes somebody bumped in to me causing the shoe in my hand to drop and for me to trip a little. I bent to pick up the shoe and then turned around to meet a tall, light skin female that was covered in a bunch of tattoos. 

"I'm sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention." Her voice was smooth like honey with a little rasp in it. 

"It's okay, no damage done." I laughed. 

She looked me up and down then licked her lips, nah you ain't gon catch me slipping. I'm too loyal to my not quite yet but soon to be girlfriend. 

"I'm Draya." She introduced herself, holding her hand out. 

"Nice too meet you Draya, I'm Shilo." I smiled talking her hand in mine shaking it. 

"Lovely too meet you." She smiled taking my fingers pressing them to her lips. 

"Girl ion know where your lips have been." I said pulling my hand away from her. 

"But you can know where they are going." She winked. 

"Ha ha so funny, i'll respectfully decline though." I said my face blank. 

"I'm hurt." She joked putting her hand on her chest. 

"I would act like I care but that would waste both our time."

"Feisty, I like you. We're friends now." She smiled. 

"I like me too but don't I get a say in who becomes my friend?"  

"Let me think about it. Nope, not when it comes to me." 

"Um nah you could be a serial killer and i'm too fine to die." I said taking a step back. 

"Okay, I promise you and I swear on everything I love that I am not a serial killer." She had her right hand up as she pledged. 

"If you're lying to me, I'm finna get God to strike you with lightening or the devil to open his doors and make you fall in hell." I said seriously. 

"You're scary but I like it." She laughed. 

I looked at my watch and noticed that if I don't leave now I'll be late in picking up Halo from school. 

"As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I have places to be." I turned about to go to the register to purchase my shoes. 

"Wait." I felt her hand grab my arm gently. 

I turned around looking at her expectantly. 

"Can I get your number?"

I have to think about this, I barley know any one here and it would be fun to have another friend but on the other hand people be weird as hell nowadays and I don't got time to deal with the craziness. But eh let's see how this goes. 

"Fine hand over your phone." She had a big smile on her face as she passed her phone over. 

I typed my number in her phone and saved it under 'Shi🌈'. I handed back her phone and said we said our goodbyes going our separate ways. I paid for my items and then left to pick up Halo, I didn't have time to stop to buy her food so on the way home I'll get us her favorite. 

End of chapter 15

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

It's not proofread so excuse my mistakes please and thank you :)

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I'll see you in chapter 16

Word count: 1304

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