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Shilo's POV

Now thanks to amazing friends that quickly turned to family, I have the money to finally get my sister to be completely free from ever having to go back to our parents. No more getting threatened about being taken and now they can't just waltz up in her life trying to shake it up. 

 Being honest I don't care if they try to fuck up my life because I can handle them and I'm not scared no more, but when it comes to Halo yeah come hell or high water, I'm going to do any and everything in my power to make sure she's safe and happy. 

A day after I got the money I went to my lawyer, and he wrote up the guardianship document for me. It took about two weeks for the papers to be ready, but I have them now.  All I have to do is get them to sign them which will be easy because they are money hungry little bitches. 

I'm planning to take some time off this week to go and finish this once and for all. I'm all caught up on the events I'm planning and there's really nothing else for me to do until the events are closer to date.  

So, I've been splitting my time between my apartment and Desani's house. Halo loves it there because her and Draya can be heathens together and be the pranksters. They act like best friends which gets Xio jealous because she appointed herself as Halo's best friend. 

You should see their arguments; I swear it's almost the funniest thing you've ever saw and heard. Then little miss Halo is just in the middle giggling and then saying that they're both her best friends. It's the cutest sight, the house just feels so light and joyful, and I can tell that Des loves the atmosphere. 

Right now, I'm on my way to the office with lunch for Des, she's been really busy for the past few weeks trying to finalize her things and then with meetings. She barley finds time to eat so I've been buying or making her lunch to make sure that she actually eats. I just came from showing a client some venues for their child's birthday party and i'm exhausted, we went to five different places and now it's up to her to come back to me with her choice because she couldn't decide then and there. 

I was listening to music for the whole ride until my phone rung, it's connected to the car's Bluetooth, so I pressed the button to answer. 

"Hello." I said not even looking at the caller's ID. 

"Do you have my money?"  Just hearing that voice made me roll my eyes and get annoyed. 

"Yes, crack head I have the money." I ain't scared of her so yeah, she's getting all the verbal smoke. 

"I'll let that slide because you have my money, I want it this week. Any later and i'm adding interest." I could hear her voice slurring, like she was high on something. 

"Lady you just worry about signing those papers with your deadbeat husband and i'll worry about getting you that money."

"You shouldn't be disrespecting your parents like that little girl." 

"I ain't got none but good try though." Before she could ruin my day anymore, I hung up on her ass cause she's not about to play with me on my phone that I paid for. 

I pulled up to the building and parked in my designated parking spot and then went straight inside, I passed the receptionist, and she gave me a wave and I responded with a head nod and headed to the elevator. It felt like it was going so fucking slow but then it finally came to the floor that our office is on. 

I stepped out and barged into Desani's office, she was behind the desk sitting down with her laptop in front of her and her glasses on. She looks fine as fuck, and she knows that. I walked closer to her the food bags still in my hands and then I sat them on the table. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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