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Yes, I know that you've been waiting very long for this update, and I apologize. But here I am and here it is. 

Desani's POV 

It's the end of the working day and to say I am nervous is an understatement. I know that Shilo isn't going to openly take the money and that it's going to take a lot of convincing. So that is why both Xio and Tay are going to be with me as I tell her about the money. 

Shilo left earlier in the day so her and Halo are at my house with Draya. Now I'm on the way to get all of us something to eat and then go straight home where Tay and Xio will meet me. To soften her response, I went to her favorite soul food place that is an hour away from our office but hey it's all for a good cause. 

As I was waiting for my order which was a big one might I add, I heard my name being called. When I turned around, I saw the bitch that is causing all the problems. What surprised me was that she was actually here because she hates this kind of food or maybe just food in general, but you get the point. 

Not wanting any drama or having the energy to even converse with this bitch I turned around and decided to mind my own business. Yet that didn't work because she just got closer to me still calling my name. 

I got agitated and turned around with my signature resting bitch face. I stared at her with disgust in my eyes because that's all I feel when I see her. 

"Hey baby, didn't you hear me calling you?" Kiyomi asked looking at me with puppy eyes and a pout. Like that's supposed to make me feel some kind of way. 

"Bro you can step back from me and go do whatever you came to do." I said straight-faced turning around.  

"Why are you treating me so hostile? I'm your girlfriend and I deserve better treatment." She's trying to make a scene because she raised her voice gaining the attention of some people in the restaurant. 

"You are not my girlfriend and haven't been for so long. What you are is a drenched psychopath that won't leave me and my actual girlfriend alone. Newsflash move the fuck on and get over it." At this point I didn't give a fuck if she wanted a scene, I'm going to give her just that. 

"Why are you saying these things to me? We've been together for so long and this is how you do me Des?" The tears that she was forcing flowed down her cheeks as she spoke. 

In the past seeing her like this would have made me give in and take her back like everything would be okay. That's what continued our toxic patterns. Her acting the fool and then shedding some tears and then me falling for it and finding myself back in the same mess. 

"Bro, you didn't give a shit about me, and we both know that. All you cared about was the gifts, money, trips but not me so now that i've found somebody that actually cares about me I would be a fool to downgrade from her to you." I said and thankfully as soon as I did, they called my order. 

I collected my things and then brushed past her leaving the building. But it could never be that easy with her. Tell me why her stupid ass followed me and started to cuss me the fuck out. Now If I turn around and give her an uppercut i'll be wrong but this bitch is really trying my patience. 

I got to my car unlocked it and sat the food in it and as I was going to get in myself this whore grabbed my arm digging her acrylics in my skin. Out of reflexes and frustration I spun around and slapped her making her head fly to the side and instinctively" her hand was off of me and on her cheek. 

"You know that I don't like putting my hands on people, yet you kept trying and my patience and you keep fucking around with my people. Whatever happens next remember you brought this upon yourself so I will not be responsible for my actions." 

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