The Desk

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Riza stalked the halls of central headquarters, desperately trying to get the images of what she just witnessed out of her head. There was nothing for it. 'Ughh' she thought hopelessly. Maybe it was just a weird teenager thing. In his defense, Ed had never really had a chance to do the normal teenage boy thing; find a girl, fall head over heels for her, and spend every waking moment trying to find a way to convince her to let him stick his dick inside her. I mean, there was Winry... but that ship was dead in the water. No oars in sight.
Stubborn kid, no wonder why he probably thought it would be a super satisfying way to get off. At colonel Mustang's desk like that...
Still weird.
Still gross.
Still what the fuck.
And another thought had snuck it's way into her head. If he was jerking off at Roy's desk, was it because he was thinking about him? Was there something going on there?
An image popped up in her head; Ed and Mustang covered in sweat, their hands moving across each other's naked, perfectly toned bodies, running fingers through each other's hair, biting one another's neck, shoulders... lips.

A strange wave of heat sizzled through her entire body, starting from her chest and ending between her legs. She had to close her eyes and take a deep breath to shake the feeling. Why the hell would she even think that?!? Worse, why did she feel a tingling sensation been her legs when she imagined it? She needed to get back to her goal, get these thoughts out of her head, focus on just finding Mustang. That was all.
     "Focus," she whispered to herself as she made her way back to his office. "Get your mind out of the gutter..." She had one current objective. That was to find Mustang.

She casually hunted for him everywhere. Passing colleagues here and there, politely saying hello, asking passively if anyone had seen the colonel. Technically, that was her job. She was the only person who was supposed to know his whereabouts at all times. But no matter where she seemed to check, or who she seemed to ask, it was always the same thing. Not a clue from anyone. It got to the point where, perhaps, she had jumped the gun.

Maybe Ed was just being really weird, it certainly wouldn't have been the first time. Teenagers are fucked up, it is what it is. Maybe she read into it the wrong way... but as much as she tried to convince herself that she might have been wrong, that gut feeling was still there. And if that was the case, which it could very well be, maybe Mustang was actually just gone to look for something then went back to his office.
However, if that was the truth... why was Ed so suspicious?
Unless it had something to do with her.

The relationship between Riza and Roy has always been a little, well, different. It was a well known fact that she was his protector. She was tasked to guard his life many years ago, and at the same time, to be the one to end his life, should he stray from the course he had set out for himself. But that didn't mean there was nothing more between them. It was a popular and well known fact that Riza felt for Roy a little more than just as a subordinate.
More than just a friend. Though she would deny it to the day she died. That was a secret, even to herself, that she would take to the grave.

She wasn't wrong. Mustang was still in his office. Ed had left shortly after Riza, but Mustang had never left. He was there the whole time, of course, just under the desk with his head in Ed's lap. Driving him crazy with the things he had been doing under there. After he'd left, Roy got out from under the desk and poured himself a very strong drink.
He was no amateur, he knew how it went. No matter what had happened or whatever Ed had said, he knew Riza wouldn't be able to just brush it off and carry on with her day.
That whole interaction was weird as fuck. Who wouldn't go back to get to the bottom of things?

She walked the halls, retracing her steps, until she ended back up at Mustang's office.
     "Just breathe. He doesn't know, maybe, unless Ed told him... not helping. Just go in and talk. Tell him everything."

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