chapter 41

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“Rachel, aren’t you tired?”
"Yeah, it's still fine."
"Right. If it gets tough, tell me right away."
"Yes, thank you"

In the search that His Highness accompanied, we started walking from the same road as yesterday.
I was worried that I was still tired from yesterday, but maybe I was surprisingly strong.
I've been exploring for an hour now, but so far my leg doesn't hurt.

However, His Highness has confirmed it many times.
Each time, Master Theodore let out a deep sigh, saying, “Luis, calm down a bit.”

Even so, it's also true that just the fact that His Highness is with me lifts my spirits and makes me feel very light on my feet.

"I wonder what's on the other side of this."

His Highness suddenly turned his gaze toward the land of spirits.

When I look in the same direction as His Highness, I see a slightly different color of plants than where I am standing now.
A more colorful forest spreads out.

"That's true. You can see how the spirits value nature."
"Ah, that's right.
Spirits prefer nature above all else. If you want to protect this country, you must protect nature."

His Highness softens his eyes and turns to face me.

"It's been handed down in the royal family since ancient times. To destroy nature is to cut off the relationship with the spirits."
"I see. Does that mean it's difficult to borrow the power of the spirits?"
"Yes. Long ago, when this country was founded, there were more people who could see spirits than now."
"Is that so?"
“I hear that the spirits were always close to humans.

Do spirits and humans live together?

Kuro is always by my side, but he seems to be happier when he's in the Marcel and Milissie territories than when he's in the royal capital.
That is probably because the countryside is more abundant in nature than the royal capital.

Nature may be something like a source of power that is indispensable for spirits.

Suddenly, I turned my gaze to the Kuro I held in my arms.
Kuro seemed to notice that gaze, and he stared at me and said, "What? ”, as if to say, “Nya”.

Seeing such a figure, my cheeks loosen.

However, when I was watching Kuro, I also felt something was wrong.

――What is it? ... a little different than usual?

As usual, Kuro looks at me with cute, crisp eyes, but there's still something different about him.

If you look closely, you can see a faint light around Kuro who was holding him in his arms.
At the same time, I felt a warm heat all over my body. It was a gentle and reassuring warmth, just like when she was hugged by her mother.

"Rachel? What's wrong?"
"... Your Highness, that's..."

When I suddenly stopped, His Highness also stopped.
Looking back at me, I wondered how I should explain to His Highness, who was looking into my face with a worried expression.


At that time, when the black that I was holding in my arms fell to the ground with a pyon, it started spinning around in circles. It's an unnatural movement that makes it look as if someone is in the space Kuro is spinning.

"A horse."
"Lord Theodore? What about horses?"

Theodore-sama, who was walking a little behind me with His Highness, muttered.

(MTL)For some reason, the villainess who went backwards lost her magical Where stories live. Discover now