chapter 47

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 Right now, in front of me, my parents are stunned and have lost their voices.
 It was my father who immediately came to his senses. However, you can see his father's turmoil from the way his eyes waver instead of his usual calm gaze.

"I was surprised... My daughter came back from the Milishe territory, and I thought it would be the first time in a long time that we had a family reunion... I didn't expect to receive such a report."
"Um, I'm sorry..."
“No, Rachel will never apologize. I was surprised.”

 When my father gave me a gentle look, he picked up the cup in front of me as if to calm himself down, took a sip of tea, and exhaled deeply.

“Rachelle, it’s really good that your magic has returned.”
"Thank you, mother. I'm sorry for worrying you all the time."
"It's okay. As long as you're doing well, my mother is happy with just that."

 Sitting next to me on the sofa across from me, my parents were at a loss for words at first about the fact that I had received the blessing of the Spirit King. tension has been lifted.
 Above all, they seemed to have been waiting for me to come home from the Milissie family late last night, and when I got off the carriage, I was surprised to find my parents standing side by side at the front door.
 However, the fact that I returned unconscious last time was probably the reason why my parents were worried.

“The problem is what His Majesty will do after hearing about this incident.”

 Hearing my father's words, the momentary slackness of the air became tense again.

――Yes, there is something about His Majesty.

 When I think of His Majesty's face, I remember that cold gaze and I feel a chill.

"Because it's about His Majesty, I'm sure he'll make the most of the fact that a saint was born under the protection of the Spirit Kings of Light and Darkness during his reign."
“You, no… Rachel was told by His Majesty to cancel his engagement with His Highness the Crown Prince.
"Ah, I understand what you mean. But His Majesty is that kind of person."

 His Majesty will hear about this incident in the not too distant future. Of course, my father also knows that I can't keep quiet. Besides, he cares about me.

 When my father let out a deep sigh, he looked at me with a concerned look.

"His Highness, Viscount Furion, and us know that Rachel has received the protection of the Spirit King. That's all for now, isn't it?"
"Yes. Your Highness has also told us that we must proceed with caution in this matter, so please report only to father and mother."
“Is that so… Your Highness really puts you first.”
"I was relieved"

 From my father's words, I can feel his trust in His Highness. From the time His Majesty told him to break off the engagement, he knew that his father's evaluation of His Majesty had declined considerably, so he was relieved that his father was thinking about His Highness. I will.
 Perhaps noticing my worried gaze, my father gave me a gentle smile.

“From now on, a king like His Highness may be in demand.”

 Once again, my father sipped the tea and muttered while moving his gaze outside through the large window.

"What do you mean"
“Her Highness inherits the blood of His Majesty, so he has charisma and action.
"Does age matter?"

 I agree that there are similarities between His Majesty and His Highness. Both of them have an overwhelming presence as kings that attract people's attention, and they have an atmosphere that seems to be able to silence the commotion in an instant with just their appearance.
 However, as I got to know His Highness deeply, I gradually stopped thinking that His Majesty and His Highness were alike. Perhaps it was because he knew that His Highness's warm gaze like the sunshine and His Majesty's ice-like gaze, and the surrounding atmosphere were completely different.

 Even so, my age... Even though I've gone back three years since I was 18, the idea of ​​being young doesn't really make sense to me.
 Perhaps because of my unconvinced expression, my father laughed at me, saying, "Rachel still doesn't understand."

“It’s the same for me, but unlike you guys, it becomes difficult to gradually change at this age. deaf.
However, like Rachel, I also had a young age, and I am now in the midst of many encounters and partings. To deny it would be to deny your own life."

 In other words, when he reached his father's age, he overcame various walls, repeatedly failed, and built himself up through various experiences.
 I am still living with my parents and have been protected, but from now on I will have to deal with more things on my own by leaving home. At that time, there will be a lot of failures, and there will be times when you will have to get involved with people who will lend you a hand or people who just don't fit in.
 However, it may be that such an experience builds yourself.

"That's why I might want to feel relieved by doing some retrofitting to convince myself that this was the right thing to do.... Of course, I'm married to my mother, Rachel was born, and I'm living a good life. Maybe I feel that way because I feel it."
“Recently, His Highness seems to have lost a lot of the harshness hidden behind his mask. He seems to be good at listening to the opinions of others and leading the best in it.”

 Does my father see His Highness that way...?

 When I think so, my mother opens her mouth saying "Well!"

"Isn't that kind of disrespectful to royalty?"
"Even though I'm a retainer, I'm the only one who protects the people of my territory. Sometimes I judge whether the person I serve is right or not."

 It is true that fathers have fatherly responsibilities. In order to protect the people you should protect with your own hands, you probably need to pay attention to various things.

"And Rachel will probably become His Highness's wife. In that case, the power of the Marcel family will increase. At the same time, the number of people who want to take advantage of it will increase. That's why, Rachel..."
"Yes. I have to be stronger than I am now."

 The same goes for the divine protection from the Black Spirit King this time.
 His Highness was similarly wary of the dangers that befell me. But he doesn't just want to be protected.
 I want to protect my loved ones too. For that reason, I need to determine whether the other party is a person who poses no danger to me or His Highness, rather than just having naive thoughts.

“Rachel, both my father and I know how hard you work.
"Yes, mother. Thank you."
“So, are you planning to go out with His Highness the day after tomorrow?”

 As if to clear the heavy air from earlier, my mother asked me while smiling happily.

"Yes. When I parted with His Highness in Milishie territory, I was invited to a detached palace in the royal capital. The garden is beautiful, and it seems to be called the Palace of Flowers."
"Well, it's a flower palace! It's one of the historic detached palaces that is said to have existed since the country was founded. Your Highness is surprisingly a romantic."
"No, no, this is my story. In that case, a spring-like dress would be nice. Light blue, huh... that yellow floral pattern would be nice too."
"Mother... Um, that part is on my own..."

 I called out to my mother, who was about to leave the room to check my dress, but she shook her head with her eyes shining.

"Oh, there's only a few more chances to choose a dress for your daughter, you know? Mother, please let me choose."
“Then, should my father choose a hair ornament?”
"Oh, I don't like it. If His Highness finds out that he's wearing the hair ornament that his father chose on a date, wouldn't it make him feel strange? This kind of thing is for women to enjoy together. Right, Rachel."
"... Haa. Okay, okay."

 My father took a deep breath on purpose and shrugged his shoulders. Seeing his parents like that, I can't help but laugh from my mouth.
 And then, my father and mother looked at me with kind and affectionate gazes, and there was a gentle atmosphere.

(MTL)For some reason, the villainess who went backwards lost her magical Where stories live. Discover now