chapter 68

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2-20 Louie's point of view

"Huh? You... are you really Louis?"
"How can you change your aura and personality so much in the three months since we last met?"

 Theodore opened his eyes wide in surprise when I bowed my head. I slowly looked up at Theodore, who muttered in a daze.

"Not three months. Three years."
"What are you talking about?"

 Theodore frowned and tilted his head while laughing only at the corners of his mouth. I clench my fists and open my mouth.

"There has been a definite change in the world I know and this world since three years ago. And in my real world, Rachel... Rachel is alive."
"Huh? …Even as expected of me, I don't understand what you're saying."

 After a period of silence between us, I began to tell Theodore what had happened three years earlier. Unlike when I talked to Cyril, I think I was able to have a calm conversation, probably because it was the second time.
 Perhaps because of that, Theodore, who was skeptical at first, gradually leaned forward and concentrated on what I was saying, sometimes thinking "I see...".
 Especially when it came to talking about the contract with the Black Spirit and the divine protection from the Black Spirit King, Theodore's eyes shone slightly, though he was surprised.

 And when I told him that I wanted him to help me return to his original world, Theodore put his hand on his forehead and slowly let out a big sigh.

“I understand what you said about Louis, and the reason why he suddenly changed.”
"Why do two worlds exist...why am I in this world? If there is anything you can understand, please tell me."
"... Ah. I didn't know about the existence of the Black Spirit, but if I investigate it in detail, I might not be able to find out. Of course, I can't say for sure."

 Hearing Theodore's words "I don't know anything", I couldn't help but raise my voice, "Really!" However, Theodor silently shook his head at me, who was showing his joy.

"I don't know anything yet. Including whether I will cooperate."
"Oh, yeah. That's right."

 Theodore lowered his eyebrows when he saw me, who dropped his shoulders in an easy-to-understand manner.

"Calm down a little more. There are still many things I want to ask and think about here."
"Ah, I'm sorry I rushed you."

 I was taken aback by Theodore's point. How narrow is your field of vision?
It's true, as you said, it's true that you're in a hurry. She realizes that her desire to go to Rachel as soon as possible has preceded her, and that she lacked composure.

“I understand how Louis feels. He also wants to return to his original world as soon as possible.
"Of course. Ask me anything."
“Rachel in that world is living happily.”

 After thinking for a moment, Theodore muttered. However, in a private room with only two people, it sounds unpleasant.

"Ah... I'm alive. Only Rachelle knows if she's happy... but I think every day that it would be nice if she was. But yeah. She smiles a lot."
"I see. ... I see. Was there such a future?"

 Theodore relaxed his shoulders, lowered the corners of his eyes and leaked a smile.

"Ah. Somehow, I felt like I was shown hope that I thought I didn't have, and I lost my strength."

 Contrary to his brighter cheeks, Theodore's action of slamming his index finger on the table in a slightly irritating way seemed to represent his complex mind.

 ――It must be complicated. If you were me, how would you feel when you found out that what you couldn't protect is making you happy in a world you don't know?
 I'm sure most will be relieved and delighted. Still, the sense of loss never goes away. I can't erase the fact that I couldn't protect myself.

 Perhaps because I think so, I naturally wondered what kind of existence Theodore was to Rachel.

"Thanks to you too. When Rachel lost her magic, when she was in danger. It's frustrating, but you helped me many times."
"Ah. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to make a contract with the Black Spirit. I wouldn't have been able to know the danger. That's why I'm so grateful."
"Ah, it's the other side of me. The other side of me really kept his promise. … Haha, I'm emotionally messed up, but I'm kind of envious."

 Theodore put his elbows on the table and rested his head on the palm of his hand, staring at the glass in front of me. A glass of water bathed in faint light from overhead lights melted and crackled.
 Thinking that he might want to think about things on his own, I told him, "I'm going to get some wine," and left the room.

 I head to the counter and ask the master for wine and two glasses. I didn't take the wine that came out right away to my room, but instead poured it into a glass and slowly drank it down.

 Thinking that it was about time, I returned to the private room and opened the door. Theodor opened his mouth with his eyes down.

“If the child I couldn’t protect has a future where she can live happily, then at least I have to protect her.”

 I dared to pretend that I didn't hear the muttering voice. As soon as I took my seat, Theodore raised his head. The look on his face seemed like he had already decided on an answer.

 --If I can't get Theodore's cooperation here...

 I correct my posture so as to negate my slight anxiety. But Theodore, as if he knew how I was feeling, lifted the corner of his mouth.

"Okay. I'll cooperate."
"Oh, really... Thank you, Theodore! I can't thank you enough."
“It’s rare to receive a request from you.

 The grinning expression on Theodore's face was always familiar to me, and I felt that the wall I had been feeling since we met had disappeared cleanly.

“Now then, let’s move to another place and listen to the story in detail. ……Ah, should Cyril be with us? In that case, let’s go to the castle.”

 Theodore quickly stood up from his chair and headed for the door while I was relievedly stroking my chest. Then he turned around and looked at me, who hadn't yet gotten up, and urged me with his chin.

"Of course.... But before that, can I ask you one question?"
"The relationship between you and Rachel. Did you give the Magic Division a long vacation and investigate the back of the crime that Rachel was attacked?"

 Was it such a deep relationship?
 However, Theodore seemed to understand what I wanted to say without saying "ah".

“It’s a secret.

 Theodor grinned happily, and muttered, "After all, it's fun to tease Louis."
 Unsatisfied with the answer, I opened my mouth to protest, but I let out a sigh at Theodore, who seemed to be having too much fun. Then, he quickly chased after Theodore, who was ahead of him.

(MTL)For some reason, the villainess who went backwards lost her magical Where stories live. Discover now