chapter 70

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"Isn't this light beautiful? 』
"Yeah, very much. It's a strange place that looks like it's floating in the sky."
"Ah, but just because it looks like that, you don't have to worry about it falling off, so don't worry."

 Even my feet were enveloped in darkness, and I couldn't hide my confusion in this strange space, as if I was floating in the sky.
 Still, for some reason, I don't feel strange or scared. Because I feel like the countless twinkling stars floating in the darkness are gently smiling at me.
 I looked around and tried to reach for the light in front of me, but the light fluttered and slipped through my hand like a bird.

 Nell-sama, who was walking a little ahead of us, smiled strangely and looked back at us.

"Hey, don't stand there, come over here. 'Cause there's still a long way to go
Hearing Nell-sama's words, I nodded and moved my stopped legs forward.
 The numerous stars near the door were emitting small, faint lights, but the size of the lights gradually increased as we moved forward.

"Is this the night world? Is that why the stars are twinkling so much?"
"There is no day or night in this space. It's a place unaffected by time.』

 ――A place unaffected by time? I wonder what it means.

“Haha, is it difficult? It's normal for me. ……Hey, this is what I wanted to show you the most.』

 Nell-sama smiled while shrugging his shoulders, and gently stroked the sphere of light that emitted a particularly large glow.
It was a large ball of light about half my body, floating in the center as if protected by a lot of palm-sized light.
The light touched by Nell-sama responded by changing from white to reddish light.

"Eh, um, does this big light have a will?"
"Intention? Haha, what a strange question! There is no such thing. Hmmm... but yeah. To me, this space and this light are special. It is the most comfortable and relaxing place.”

 Nell-sama, who is always free-spirited and elusive like a child, had a soft smile that I saw for the first time.

 ――This is the first time I've seen Nell-sama with such a calm face...

 I'm sure that the special place Nell-sama mentioned earlier is an undeniable fact.

"What did you think of this place? 』
"Ah, I thought you would! I had a feeling that you, who was loved by the darkness, resembled my feelings.』
Nell-sama's eyes lit up at my reply and he broke his face happily.
“If you like this place, you can come and go as you please! It's a special place where other spirits can't enter, but I'll forgive you! 』
"Huh? Thank you very much."
"Ah, but don't touch or throw it too hard. If you mess with the light poorly, you could destroy the world.』

 --Destroy the world? what are you talking about?

 Nell-sama also tilted his head in the same way, perhaps noticing that I was making a strange face. However, as soon as she realized something, she murmured, "Ah, I see."

"By the way, didn't you explain? This is where I was born and why I exist. And the source of my power
"Where the Spirit King was born?"
"That's it. Even though I'm the Spirit King, my life isn't infinite. Still, a human life is an instant to me. The Spirit King is endowed with a long, long life and continues to use his power to maintain the balance of time. And when he uses up all his power, a new generation will be born.』

"Will continuing to use power shorten my life? If so..."

"Oh, I brought you back to life? I didn't use that much force. The power of the Spirit King is far greater than you can imagine. There's nothing like changing the world a little.'

(MTL)For some reason, the villainess who went backwards lost her magical Where stories live. Discover now