Chapter 3

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I picked myself up from my nervy state at the bottom of the stairs, and walked into the kitchen again.

"Tina?" Mum said.

"Yes, mum?" I asked.

"What's wrong?" She questioned.

"Nothing." I said, forcing a smile.

"I mean with Harry. Why don't you like him?" She pressed.

"It's a long story." I said, my voice barely rising from a whisper.

"I have time." She smiled, wrapping her arm around me.

"Not enough time for this story." I told her. "Why are you forcing me to go on this date?"

"I think it'll be good for you. You're always holed up in your room doing nothing." She replied.

"Yeah, I know. I still go out with my friends though." I rallied.

"It's not the same. Just think, you could have a boyfriend." She said.

"I'll get one when I want one. I'm just going to tell Harry that I don't want to see him anymore after tomorrow." I said, if only it were that easy.

"Your decision after the date." She smiled.

I walked upstairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I sent a text to my friends asking to meet them again tomorrow, deciding it was best to have some sanity in the day. They all agreed on meeting at Jaydes' house.

I went to bed that night feeling anxious and scared. The only thing that would get me through the day, was seeing the girls.

I had a rough night of sleep, tossing and turning, getting hot and bothered. I finally managed to fall asleep later on, so I wasn't too tired when I woke up.

I pulled my covers back and hopped out of bed, skipping to the window to open the curtains. The sun was high in the sky, beaming down on the houses in the street.

I found some clothes to wear and then went to wash and dress in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, then looked in the mirror. I had picked out a flowing orange top and a pair of jeans, nothing too revealing for my date; I didn't want Harry making any more passes. I applied my makeup; eyeliner, mascara, blusher and lipgloss. When I was happy with my appearance, I grabbed my bag and headed down to the kitchen.

"You okay, Dear?" Mum asked as I plonked down on the bar stool.

"As okay as I'm going to be." I said.

"Nervous about the date?" She smiled an understanding smile.

"Not nervous. Annoyed is more the word for it." I told her.

"It'll be okay, it'll be over before you know it." She reassured.

"Whatever you say. Anyway, I'd best get off now, I'm meeting the girls." I said, kissing her on the head and then leaving. I drove to Jaydes' house feeling happy. Seeing my best friends would at least get me through the first half of the day. I pulled up outside her house, Amys' car was already there.

The front door swung open before I'd even knocked. Maisie had obviously arrived in Amys' car, as a chorus of my name rang out from inside.

"Hello." I laughed, stepping inside. Once I was inside, we all walked into the living room to sit down.

"So, how come you wanted to meet today?" Jayde asked.

"I thought it would be better to tell you this face to face, as I can't particularly cope myself. I wasn't sure what you'd think." I mumbled.

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