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Your body was feeling better than it had all week and you were even excited to get to work when you woke up the next morning. It was mainly because you were way too excited to see Obi-Wan. His extra attention to you the last two days was definitely getting to your head. By the time you pulled up to the school, Obi-Wan was already there, leaning against his car, waiting for you. You bit down on your bottom lip excitedly as you parked your car beside his, turned off the car, and exited the car, throwing your backpack on your back as you did.

"Morning," you greeted with a smile.

"Morning," Obi-Wan responded. He could tell that you were feeling better today. The smile on your face wasn't as forced and your shoulders didn't seem to be as weighed down as before. It was nice to see you like that. "How are you?"

"I actually feel like I may get through the day without any mental breaks." The two of you headed for the school building.

Obi-Wan looked briefly concerned before responding. "That's good. I, uh, I was going to ask you if you brought lunch today?"

"Damn it," you muttered. "I knew I was forgetting something when I walked out the door."

"It's alright. I brought you food today. I figured you would need it."

You looked at Obi-Wan with shock, feeling so overwhelmed with gratitude. "Obi-Wan, you didn't have to. That's so kind of you."

He shrugged as he opened the door for you. "It's really no big deal. Besides, I've heard that you tend to not bring a lunch anyway."

"Who ratted me out? Anakin or Padme?"

"I will not reveal my source."

"It was Anakin, wasn't it?"

Obi-Wan chuckled. "I told you, I won't reveal my source."

"Definitely Anakin."

"Does it really matter? You shouldn't be regularly skipping lunch."

"I don't try to... the mornings are just often hard."

"Well, I hope that this at least makes it a little easier for you."

The two of you stopped in the hallway between your classrooms. You nervously played with your backpack straps as you rocked on your heels. You were always a little nervous around Obi-Wan, but today seemed to be even worse than normal. Perhaps it was all the special attention he seemed to be suddenly giving you, though Obi-Wan was usually quite attentive to you.

"Thank you, Obi-Wan," you said. "It means a lot that you care so much."

Obi-Wan wanted to tell you exactly how much he cared for you, but he was too scared.

"Of course," he replied with a kind smile. "You're worth caring for."

You about lost your breath. You? Worth caring for? You barely believed that yourself and yet Obi-Wan was standing there telling you that he thought you were worth caring for. But you also had never truly allowed people to take care of you, for many reasons. You stood there, having no idea how to even respond to his words. Never at you been more grateful for Padme showing up and interrupting.

"Obi-Wan!" She called. "We need to get to our meeting."

"Right, right," Obi-Wan said. "I forgot about the meeting." His piercing blue eyes met your eyes. "I'll see you at lunch, alright?"

"Alright," you responded with a nod.

"Let me know if you need any help today."

"I will."

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