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 Obi-Wan was practically pacing outside of his car, waiting for you to show up. Your rush to escape the school yesterday concerned him; you hadn't responded to the few texts he sent you to check up. With a sigh, Obi-Wan checked his phone to see that you were twenty minutes late. It wasn't usual for you to be that late for work. He pulled up your contact and went to call you when he heard a car turn into the parking lot. His head snapped up to see it was you but felt little relief.

There were dark circles under your eyes and a heaviness surrounding you. Obi-Wan could tell all that before you had even parked the car. You could feel Obi-Wan watching you as you parked and got out of your car. He started toward you while you quickly made your way toward the school with a slight limp. (Your knee had decided it wanted to act up today.)

"Y/N," Obi-Wan called, easily catching up with you. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," your answer was short in tone. You didn't glance his way or slow in pace.

"Are you sure? You don't—"

"I really don't have any time for this, Obi-Wan." You unlocked the door to the school and threw it open. Obi-Wan caught it before it could separate the two of you. "I am running late and have nothing prepared for today."

"Perhaps I could be of some help."

"I don't think that's wise."

Obi-Wan's brows furrowed. "And why's that?"

You sighed as you fumbled with the key to your door. "I really can't handle this right now."

"Then let me—"

"Leave me alone, Obi-Wan. I... I am better off on my own anyway and I have a lot to do."

You slipped into your room and locked the door behind you, leaving a completely baffled Obi-Wan in the hall. You knew how mean and ridiculous you sounded but you were better off alone right now.

"Hey, Obi-Wan!" Padme greeted as she walked over. "Have you seen Y/N?"

"Uh, yeah," he responded, clearly down. "She's in there." He barely pointed at the door you had shut in his face.

Padme observed her friend, noticing that something wasn't right. "What is it?"

"I honestly don't know." Obi-Wan turned and headed into the privacy of his own room.

Concerned, Padme tried to get into your room only to find it locked. She knocked on it.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Padme said through the door.

You heard her but didn't respond. You just wanted to be alone. Padme tried again to get you to open the door before leaving you be.


You were crying in Principal Yoda's office before lunch. Your student had thrown his chair at you and actually hit you. The pain that quickly radiated through you when it hit was unbearable. Thankfully, one of your more reliable students rushed to the office and got help. From there, you were taken to Yoda's office, where you still were.

"Sending you home, we are," Yoda said as he hobbled in with his cane. "Rest you need."

"But—but my students," you stuttered.

"Fine, your students will be. Teach them, I will."

"But Yoda—"

"Two days off, you will take. No exceptions."

You sniffled as you nodded. "Thank you."

"Worried about you, I am, Y/N. Hopefully, these days off will help you. Go grab your things and go home."

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