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Obi-Wan immediately noticed that the food he had dropped off hours ago was still in front of your door. He picked the bag up before opening the door, not bothering with knocking. His eyes scanned the area, not finding you on any of the furniture. Then he heard it, your whimpering. His eyes snapped to where you were laying out on the floor.

"Y/N!" Obi-Wan exclaimed, falling to his knees beside you.

You kept your eyes closed and winced as he pulled you into him. He could feel your heart beating rapidly and noticed the sweat forming along your brow.

"Obi," you rasped through labored breaths. "Hurts..."

"What hurts?"

"Everything." Tears streamed down your cheeks, slipping out of your squeezed eyes.

"I'm going to call an ambulance—"

"No! No, no, no... just... please... just... bed..."

"But you're clearly in a lot of pain. You need—"

"Please, Obi... just... bed..."

Obi-Wan sighed. He was incredibly concerned about you but decided he wouldn't fight you right now. With extreme care, Obi-Wan lifted you up. He headed down the hall and was grateful that your bedroom door was open. Gently, he set you on top of your bed. With slow and clearly painful movements, you turned your back to Obi-Wan and curled in on yourself.

"What can I do to help you?" Obi-Wan's voice was soft and filled with genuine care.

"I... don't know..." you cried. "It's... never... been... like this..."

Obi-Wan truly didn't know how to help you. You were clearly in an extreme amount of pain and he didn't even know why. He sat down behind you, his hand moving to touch you. He stopped himself before making contact, hovering over your arm. What if his touch makes your pain worse? The one thing he truly knew was that he was not leaving you. Standing up from the bed, Obi-Wan slipped his phone out of his pocket.

"Where—where are you going?" You croaked, trying your head back slightly to see him.

"I'm just going to call in a sub for myself," Obi-Wan answered. "I'll be right back."

You wanted to fight Obi-Wan about calling in a sub, he shouldn't put himself and his students through that just for you. Unfortunately, you had no energy to fight him.

Obi-Wan stepped out of the room, making sure to keep the door open so that he could keep an eye on you. He called in for a sub and emailed a copy of his emergency sub plans to Anakin and Padme, not giving them an excuse as to why. They didn't need to know.

When Obi-Wan came back into the room, he noted how your eyes were shut but there were tears slipping out of them and trailing down your face. He sighed as he glanced around your room, trying to see if there was something out that he could use to help you.

"Obi?" You rasped, checking to see if he was still with you.

"I'm right here, stardust," he said softly, coming around to kneel in front of you. "What can I help you with?"

You knew what you were about to ask would be painfully embarrassing and painful due to your body right now, but you needed to. You needed the comfort.

"Hold me," you requested.

Your eyes were still shut, not allowing yourself to see how Obi-Wan's face dropped. He was simply heartbroken at how desperate and in pain you sounded.

"Are you sure?" He carefully asked.

You swallowed, giving a tiny nod. Obi-Wan slipped off his shoes and slowly got in front of you. With careful movements, he laid down before gently pulling you into him. You winced, slipping out a slight whimper, causing Obi-Wan to halt his movements.

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