chapter 114

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Chapter 114

She didn't went on a blind date but dinner. To Troy she went on a blind date with his brother.

They only used the dinner the dinner to cover up According to Troy.

Travis saw Olivia stopped Midway when he entered the sitting room and that was when he saw Troy sitting on the couch with an exoressionless face. Immediately Travis understood what was going on and went to sit on the couch opposite Troy.

" We went for dinner not date" Olivia managed to reply and that was when Travis got a hint of what Troy asked her that made her stop Midway in her tracks.

" I hope you enjoyed your date" Troy said and Olivia gulp hard. She wants to tell him that she didn't go on a date but then made up her mind not to sat anything.

She still really don't know why she is feeling guilty because Travis kissed her. A part of her wants to tell Troy what happened between her and Travis at the karaoke but she would rather keep it to herself than to tell the devil about it. 

She crossed her mind and go upstairs without saying any more word. She Is happy the devil didn't ask her who gave her the permission to go out of the house and that is a relief.

She slump on her bed when she got into her room. Her racing heart has stopped racing and it seems to be a little bit at rest now.

She tries not to think about what happened between her and Travis at the

She saw a note or should she say a script on her reading desk. She got up and walk to her reading desk with barefoot.

She picked the note and read the content.

" You're to prepare a seafood meal every afternoon and you are to sing the song you sang at the karaoke thrice everyday. " The note read and Olivia choke on her saliva. She almost bite her tongue while reading the note. She must admit his handwriting looks beautiful like he does but how did he know she went to the karaoke? Did he secretly follow them or what and how did he know they ate seafood at the restaurant where they had dinner?

Unknown to them, Troy already asked the restaurant management what type of food they ate and how long they spent there. As for the karaoke, it was simple. The song made him know they went to the karaoke.

" Could it mean he was there?" She asked herself aloud and quickly cover her mouth with her palm.

There is no way he will be there without her noticing him.

' he is not there' she tried to convince herself and calm her racing heart down. If he was at the karaoke, it means he saw them kissed but no, he can't be there. He was sleeping when they left but the list is crazy.

Preparing seafood every afternoon. She don't even know what recipe is used in cooking seafood and for the song she sang at the karaoke, she is not planning on singing it aga as she really don't want to get for a song she sang again. 

She change her clothes and went to bed. She already ate so there is no need to go downstairs to ear again again and run into those two again. she really don't want to have any akward moment before she sleep.

" How far have you gone with Arthur's investigation?" Travis asked after a while of silence.

Troy has even plan to go upstairs and sleep.Hr never knew Travis will ask him how the investigation has been so far when he almost disable his face with a punch.

" We are trying our best" troy reply and got up to go upstairs when Travis suddenly apologize to him.

" I'm sorry about my actions earlier. I just don't know what came over me" Travis apologise and Troy gave him a smirk. He is not the type that accept apologies when the deed has already been done.

" Good for you" He reply with a smirk and went upstairs. He has alot of things to do and he really don't want to add Travis actions to it. He will be a fool to add Travis lame actions to what he is dealing with right now.

At dawn the next day Troy sat on the reading desk in his room with a mischievous smile on his face.

Olivia's stood before him with her hands folded behind her back.

This is one of her punishment for leaving the house without his permission. She is to sing the song she sang at the karaoke for him every morning before he goes to work.

" Are you dumb,? Are you just going to waist my time here by standing there and doing nothing? " Troy asked with a deep cold voice. He really don't like it when olivia acts dumb in front of him.

" I forgot the lyrics," she muttered which Troy know it's a lie. How can she possibly forget the song lyrics when she said it was her favorite?

" I thought the song was one of your favorite songs . How come did you forget the lyrics all of a sudden? " Troy asked and Olivia gulp hard. It's not like she forgot the lyrics, it's just that she don't feel comfortable singing for the devil. It makes her looks like an idiot and a piece of object before him .

" The song was my favorite and mine so it's possible to forget the lyrics" Olivia said with her lips pressed together and quickly look away. She heard the hems of her dress. She really don't know how to tame the devil. 

" Then add your own lyrics and sing it your own way dummy" He said and Olivia gulp hard. Is he being serious right now, asking her to add her own lyrics and sing?

This was the song she sang last night which made her had sleepless night. She don't know if that was a confession or he just repeat the line of the song. Does the devil wants her to sing the same song for him so that he can kiss her and also repeat the lines of the song for her?

' I'm not going to sing any stupid song for him' Olivia thought to herself and look away. He is the one going to work. She don't mind standing there for the rest of the day. She won't lose anything rather he is the one who will lose something .

' I hate it when she does that. Acting dumb when she actually knows what she is doing. If she is not careful, I might put her in the car boot and take her along with me to the company. If she thinks she can escape this by acting dumb, then she is wrong. Very wrong' Troy thought to himself with a smirk on his face and olivia wonder why he has to smirk like that. Her legs are already hurting from standing and she hasn't even seen Travis around.

She ran her eyes through the room stylishly and that was when she realise the room they were inside is different from the room she always go to. Why didn't she notice this earlier? She didn't notice it because the room has the same painting and designs like the room she has been going to.

Everything in that room seems to be here too and the room just looks like duplicates of each other. 

' I guess this is the devil main room' she thought to herself and forget that she has a song to sing for the devil.

Troy didn't bother to say much, he just grab his brief case and pick his car keys.

Olivia eyes light up when she saw him finally picking his stuffs to leave for work. You see she has nothing to lose but before she could celebrate her victory, Troy walk towards her and lift her on his shoulder before walking out of the room.

Olivia wanted to scream but his cold warnings shuts her up. Either she keeps quiet or he shut her mouth up for her with a kiss.

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