Chapter one: My aunt goes crazy

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When you find out you're a demigod, run away from your hometown (and your so-called parents), change your name, and never go back (most importantly change your scent.) Trust me you don't want to be a demigod. My name is Natalie Jennings and this is how I found out that I was a demigod.

I was sitting on my sofa in my apartment in LA with my cat Scribbles and my aunt Rudy when this buff weird skeleton police dude walked in and started pulling on my arm. I was like, "what the heck dude" I was ready to karate chop his weird boney arm. When he said to me, "You're coming with me, demigod." I was like what the heck is a demigod. Aunt Rudy seemed terrified, Scribbles was just like "meh." i was like "wow you're so nice" (in my head obviously.) but anyways let's get to the serious part. "What's a demigod?" I questioned, still wondering why this random weirdo was in my apartment. "Pssh. stop acting like you don't know what you are... Natalie." "How the heck do you know my name?!?" Just then, the random skeleton guy disappeared. "WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT!?" I yelled at my aunt, which I probably shouldn't have. I honestly didn't want to know what a demigod was and why I was being called one. "It's time i tell you the truth" aunt Rudy said in a sacred voice like she was about to tell me about ancient rituals (hint hint, she wasn't.) "You're a demigod, Nat. A demigod is when a mortal and a god have a child. You are a god's child.. I just don't know who's yet. They haven't claimed you as your own yet." I felt like I'd been electrocuted. My red hair probably stood up like fire, and my green eyes were pierced with a confused and shocked look. "Excuse me, what? Claimed me? Am I like a dog or something" I shot back. "Come on Nat, get in the car." my aunt demanded, i thought she was going to like, bring me to a chamber and sacrifice me to a volcano and start singing nursery rhymes just about now. "Hurry up, we have to get to the camp." "WHAT CAMP? WHAT?" I demanded. "The only camp you'll be safe at. I've tried keeping you safe but this place is no longer fit for you. Now come on before it's too late. We're going to Beaver Hill camp for demigods. You'll get trained. Now hurry up!" she dragged me "Hey-" i started then stopped as she stopped dragging me. "Just before we go, I want you to have this." She handed me a hairclip. "Uhm..." I looked confused and I thought she was pretty insane for a second. Aunt Rudy started to open the hair clip. "What-" i started to say but then it opened into a sword, by this point i was very confused. "Celestial bronze sword. The most dangerous type of sword to monsters." she said. I just went along with it since she pretty much made no sense. "Great.. Thanks auntie." I said, my voice deeply unimpressed. "Great now let's get going!" she exclaimed and then started dragging me again. I could tell my life was about to change or end. 

(WC: 552 words)

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