Chapter five: The Oracle gives me a prophecy

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After dinner, Archer and my new friends took me to go see Poppy, the oracle of Delphi. "I think she may have a prophecy for you." Opal guessed. "Why not for me? I'm better than stupid shadow girl!" Selena boasted "Shut up before i knock your teeth out Selena, your father smells like dead fish." Hailey miffed 

"Oh yeah war girl? your father smells like sweat and rusted celestial bronze!"

"Oh yeah fish hair? YOUR father smells like moldy seaweed!"

"Oh yeah chaos causer? YOURRR fath-"

"Shut your mouths" Ryder told them, somehow they did. 

As we approached the Oracles cave, i got anxious. What if i had a bad prophecy? Victor seemed to read my mind. He stopped me and pulled me aside "You okay?" He asked me, i blushed. We were right next to each other! I could just kiss him but i didn't because i didn't know him that well. I couldn't stop blushing "Y-yeah" i replied stuttering "Good." He empathized. He held my face and pulled me in, our lips almost touching but they didn't because Amanda cut us off. "Hurry up guys were almost there... UGH I SHOULDN'T HAVE WORN THESE HEELS!" she yelped. I chuckled. Victor grabbed my hand and we started walking. I was sweating, we were so close together and i liked him so much.. i didn't think he liked me too but he probably does now that we almost kissed. 

 i started to feel drowsy and before i knew it i was asleep

I woke up in Victors arms "O-oh hey where are we?" I gushed "Poppy's cave; The Oracle. The spirit of Delphi." Ryder answered me before Victor could. "Hello." A girl with Red hair just like me, But with brown eyes waved at me kindly. "I'm Poppy, The Oracle!" Poppy smiled. "Oh no.. I feel a proph-" Before she could finish her eyes glowed and she started saying my first prophecy: 

"You shall find yourself in the skeletons hand, stuck in the darkness you must withstand

Your courage depleted, you will find none, without the lucky help of a son.

You shall Perish or Rise at a titan that's known

Without 7 other friends you'll fail alone 

But Back home again is not what you think

The map shall lead you by courage not ink"

"Lucky son? That must be Victor." I Concluded "7 Friends? That means the 7 of us and Natalie!" Archer beamed. "But what does the skeleton part mean?" Opal asked,  I sighed "Well before i came here i lived with my aunt and this skeleton guy came into our apartment and tried to take me so maybe on the quest he tried to take me and/or you guys." "Well if we have a quest we have to get it over with because i can't stand any of you except for Archer." Selena complained, "Okay then lets go because i cant stand you either, fish breath." Hailey stated "Okay what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Amanda yelped, "Wait you guys can't go yet!" Poppy yelled "Why not?" Archer asked "Well because.." The oracle started "Because what?" I rolled my eyes kind of acting like Selena.

"Because.. Your parents.."

"What about them?" 

"They want to meet you.. On Olympus."  (WC: 538 Words)

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