Chapter four: I get some more friends

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Once Greg told me I was the daughter of Nyx, I got kind of startled so I left his office to find Archer but I really didn't need to find her because she was standing there waiting for me. "HEY BESTIE HOW DID IT GO? WHOS YOUR PARENT? HUH HUH?" she got all jumpy.

"not right now, Archer, But its Nyx"

"WHATTT THAT'S COOL! Let's talk about it later though like you said"

"Come meet my friends though, okay?" she gushed, "Fine." I said with a bit of a smirk as we started walking towards the activity pavilion

Once we got there, there were 6 other demigods waiting for us. They all looked at me, judging me. Archer blushed "Hey guys!" a girl came up to archer and held her then kissed her.

"Er hi.."

"Got a problem?"

"No! not at all!" I answered sheepishly "Good." The girl said. Archer was just standing there: Hazy. "So what's your name?" I asked "What's it to ya?" The girl remarked "Oh i don't know.. I just want to know!" "I'm Natalie Jennings, Daughter of Nyx." i chirped in a small voice. The girls expression was shocked and she looked around. "Pleasure to uhm meet you, I'm Hailey Lee.. Daughter of Ares almighty." Her expression went from shocked to smug and it seemed like she was Egotistical. "Ares is pretty cool..!" I responded, clearly unimpressed "Yuh huh" Hailey annoyingly acknowledged. "I-I'll introduce you guys to my new friend, Natalie!" Archer said, still dizzy from Hailey's kiss. "Everyone this is Natalie as i just said, Daughter of Nyx." Archer yapped. This one boy looked at me with hearts in his eyes, i looked back at him in the eyes and blushed. "Everyone introduce yourselves!" "I'll do the first introduction." The cute boy remarked and looked at me and blushed.

"My name is Victor Alark, Son of Tyche, Greek goddess of fortune, chance, providence, and fate."

I blushed, "That's cute- I mean cool."

Victor gushed.

"Next!" Archer said unamused "You already know me." Hailey remarked "Mhm'' I rolled my eyes. "Well c'mon! NEXT." Archer yelped "Okay Okay! I'll go I guess" A girl with short Black curly hair and Ebony eyes chided. "I'm Opal Reed, Daughter of Artemis! She's the-" Opal started but never got to finish because I interrupted her "Wait a second... Didn't Artemis swear not to marry?'' I began, really confused.

"Yes but then she broke her Oath and she married Apollo."

"Ew wait, Isn't Apollo her... BROTHER?"

"Yeah they do that in Greek mythology, Plus Apollo is so hot!"

"That's disgusting." I gagged "Yeah whatever" Opal panted like she was on cloud nine, why would she be simping over her mom's husband? Kind of cuckoo if you ask me. "Opal, stop simping for Apollo!" Archer gushed "Next!"

"I'll be next!" A girl with Chocolate Brown hair and Blue eyes called, she was the most beautiful person i ever laid eyes on, wowzer. "I'm Amanda Ivan, Daughter of Aphrodite~ The most beautiful goddess ever! By the way, I'm the best Charmspeaker! My mother is the goddess of love, fertility, and beauty." She blabbered on "Shut up stupid bird!" Hailey complained

"Shut your mouth you dirty war girl!"

"No you shut up before I dent your head."

"Okay! Okay! Chill out!" Victor chimed in

"Shut up Leprechaun."

"No you shut up violent hippo."

"EVERYONE SHUT UP." I yelled, All 7 demigods looked at me with a blank stare and shut their mouths. "Next." Archer murmured in a little voice. "I guess i'll do my into." A girl with long straight Black hair and Sea-Green eyes boasted. "I'm Selena Beck, Daughter of Poseidon, the god of the sea, father of horses, and earthquakes." She obviously was Egotistical like Hailey. She rolled her eyes at me then looked me in the eyes

"My father is more powerful than your mother will ever be, got it? Goddesses are weaker than gods. Got it?"

"Okay then Egotistical, Problematic, Dramatic girl." I shot back. She gasped but didn't say anything. "Okay last introduction, cmon!" Archer smiled "Fine, whatever." A ugly looking boy said; He had Golden Blonde hair and Golden Topaz eyes. "I'm Uhm.. Ryder Patson. Pleased to m-meet you." He stuttered "My dad is Apollo, He's cool i guess" "I Guess that raps it up!" Archer hugged me. A bell rang in the distance. "Oh!" Selena looked at her watch "It's 5:30!" She remarked "What's that mean?" i asked "Dinner time!" Archer yelped and grabbed my hand and started running as we made our way to the eating pavilion.  (WC: 759 Words)

Daughter of the nightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora