Games and kisses.. (Adrienette)

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I also just want to give credit to this tweet as to why I'm writing this!

I also just want to give credit to this tweet as to why I'm writing this!

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Adrien and Marinette
Are on there 3rd date
But it's hard to beat a girl in UMS...

Adrien and Marinette are currently on their 3rd date, after getting close as friends and Adrien's feelings developed into something more. Also having a accidental reveal, they decided to take things slow and see where things go.

Currently there in Marinette's bedroom. She made the feel of the room cozy and cute, even set up a fort for them to play ultimate mega strike in. Comfort with loads of food she wanted a date in were they can be at peace with their kwamis.

They are setting up the game for their first round of ultimate mega strike, "Your not the type to let me play easy, are you Bugaboo?" Adrien says with his classic Chat noir smirk. She automatically rolls her eyes, at his cheekiness.

"When ever have I played easy kitty?" She says as she boops his nose. Adrien's cheeks flush a light pink, as the cute girl he's being dying to kiss, since he's realised his feelings for the girl. "Cat got your tongue?" She says with a smirk as she presses, the button to begin the game.

Their characters start fighting against each other, as Marinette basically starts beating his arse in the game. "Who's idea was it to play this game?!?" Adrien groans as the first round just lasted a mere 5 minutes. Marinette let's put a giggle, "you did kitty, as you thought I would go easy on you." She says with a smile as her date doesn't look happy.

She stokes his chins "don't get moody kitty I'm pretty sure you will beat me one day!" She says in a snarky tone, that reminds him too much of Plagg.

"Right Princess! Time to bring out the big guns!" He says with confidence oozing from himself, she lets out a giggle and ruffles his hair. "Ooo don't get too cocky kitty." She lets out a giggle as his eyes fill with determination.

2nd round ends up lasting a good 10 minutes... Before Marinette's secret move, ends up absolutely destroying him.

6th round Adrien is going strong and the whole thing ends up, lasting a whole 12 minutes.

10th round Adriens determination is still going strong, he proceeds to keep challenging Marinette to another round. She beats him again..

Plagg bursts out laughing as Adrien begs from another round, "Milady pleaseeeeeee!" Adrien begs even giving the baby doll eyes. As he knows that's her weakness. "Adrien you sound desperate." Plagg says very Nonchalantly, Adrien turns back to the kwami giving his best evil eye daggers. Tikki pops up giving a smack to Plagg telling the kwami to leave them alone.

"I will play one more round with you kitty, but good luck I think you will need it." She says with a cheeky smile.

As the round goes on an Idea pops into Adrien's head. He smirks "Princess?" He asks, she lets out a simple hum. His fingers slyly turn her jaw "what kit- mmp!" As his lips lightly catch hers.

Her eyes widen with shock but soon flutter as she melts into the kiss. Adrien opens one side of his eye and continues to beat her character.

He deepens the kiss as his hand holds her cheek. Soon all is heard from the computer "GAME OVER" Marinette let's go off Adrien's lips "y-you cheated!" She says smacking his bicep.

Her lips forming a cute pout, "I don't know what your talking about Purrincess, if you ask me I won fair and square." He says with a smirk. "I can't believe you!" She says in angry tone her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment.

"I can and it was totally worth it Milady, atleast this time it's a kiss we both will get to remember." He says as his lips catch hers again. He can even taste the sweetness of her strawberry lipgloss.

Marinette lets go of the kiss, which sadly distracts all her thoughts and makes her body tingle.

"You keep distracting me, we're supposed to be playing." She says looking up to the handsome boy. "That's the plan bugaboo now pucker up, I think I could get used to this." He says as he pulls her into another blissful kiss as she lets out a soft moan, her hands making her way to his full luscious locks.

He lets go of her lips which are now swollen to the past action. "Will you ever be so kind to be this cats boyfriend?" He says wiggling his eyebrows. "Mmh I don't know kitty, is there a pacific reason as to why?.." she says in a teasing tone biting the bottom her lip. Adrien's eyes can't help but flutter his eyes to her delicious plump lips and gorgeous bluebell eyes.

"I just want to show you off and do this." He says, as he holds her chin up with his slender fingers. Catching her lips again in another kiss.

Surrounded by fairy lights and cozy blankets, his lady is actually now his..

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