Horror & kisses (Marichat)

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Marinette and Chat noir are happily in a secret relationship.

Chat Noir is extra happy as their 3 month anniversary, falls on Halloween night.

He plans a surprise movie night...

But there is one piece of information, he forgot all about.

She absolutely hates horror movies...

Princess 👑💖💓
I'm so excited for tonight princess.

I send the message off a different account. I make sure to see her most nights. But I feel like I can't spend, more than 1 hour without hearing from her.

But I sadly have to do today as I have an awesome plan. For our 3 month anniversary, I want us to have a movie night.

I plan for us to watch the animated version of frankeweinie, then I also plan for us to watch. The best horror movie of all time the conjuring.

She should love it! Us all cuddled up the Eiffel tower in perfect view. Maybe a few cheeky kisses.

I sneak down to the kitchen to fill up our picnic basket up with snacks.

"Make sure you pack me some extra cheese, I'm doing you a favour here." Plagg says grumpily.

"Plagg tonight is not about you. I'm trying to celebrate our 3 month anniversary."

"You wouldn't be celebrating anything if it wasn't for me! You're forgetting, that I'm the most vital reason why you're even dating Marinette!" He states the obvious.

"I know Plagg and I'm forever greateful for you letting me." I say grateful.

"Yeah, just pack the extra cheese!"

"Yeah, yeah I'm on it." I pack a few extra packets for the cheese goblin.

I even open one of the packs and pass him a cheese, which he perfectly gobbled up.

I pack extra blankets and make sure nothing on them is, too identifiable to my identity.

"Right, I think I have everything I could possibly need."

"Right Plagg, are you ready to get everything set up?" I ask the lazy kwami.

"Yeah, I suppose so. But you must feed me before you see your princess!" He states with his little tiny arms pointing at me.

"Yes Plagg, I very much know the drill by now." I laugh as I give his head a little stroke.

"Plagg, Claws out!" I say the transformation words as Plagg gets sucked up into the ring.

Now I'm the extremely cool, and sexy hero of Paris. Well I'm only sexy to Marinette.

I pick up all the bags and open my bedroom window.

I find the perfect spot, and I take all the contents out. I get it all set up and put the picnic in the middle along with my laptop already on Netflix.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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