Ch 1

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"Oh my God, Oh shit, Oh fuck, God fucking damn it." The stupid pee stick's verdict stares excitedly at me.


"FUCK!" bang bang bang

"Asami, are you okay? What's going on in there?"

"Nothing mom! Just- burned myself with my straightener."

"Honey, please be careful." Asami sighs and sits on the toilet, head in her hands.

"My parents are going to kill me," Asami whispers to herself. "What am I going to do?" Asami puts the pregnancy test back in the box and hides it in her green canvas backpack, before slowly getting dressed for the day. She's wearing a red skirt, a grey Ramones t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a gold necklace, her Amish styled hat and black ankle converse. She puts on her red lipstick, her Clubmaster Ray-Bands with gold accents, and heads to her car. Asami decides to takes the long way to campus taking time to formulate a plan. These past two weeks, she was sick non-stop, and for shits and giggles, decided she'd take a pregnancy test. She now regrets that decision, and is just a confused mess. Her instincts are causing excitement over being pregnant, but everything else is just terrified and stressed. "What am I going to do I'm only 21, a junior in my first semester in college, AND on top of that I'm an engineering major, and the captain of the cheerleading team. I don't have time or a stable life for a child." She scolds herself.

"To tell the sire or not to tell the sire? THAT really is the fucking question." Asami says to herself. "Yeah, I have to, it's the right thing to do." After practice, Asami decides. She parks her car on the far parking lot, in between the theatre/ music building and the science building. Asami decides to use the back entrance so she can see what events are happening in the field that the science building, three dorms and the business and law building surround. She can already tell there will be a lot of people over there enjoying the day. Just as Asami rounds the corner, she gets a whiff of a familiar ocean scent, mixed with other very familiar scents.

OH SHIT it's Korra. Just as she suspected, Korra is playing catch with Mako and Bolin in the field, she wearing a blue Republic City University Softball t-shirt, the sleeves are pushed up so you can see her blue, tribal arm band tattoo, perfectly complementing her dark skin. She's wearing white joggers, and blue and grey high top vans. The brothers are both wearing their Rugby uniforms and cleats, they must have a game today. Asami makes a quick U-Turn and heads toward the front of the building. Just kidding I'm going to tell Opal first, THEN the sire...maybe.

Asami gets to the classroom 5 minutes early,

'Opal what are you doing after 12:30?' Asami texts

'Nothing, probably lunch'


'...okay, okay, I'll be outside the classroom when you're done class.... Oh, and no panicking <3'

'Thank you!'

After a few minutes the other students file in and take their seats, her first two classes are Thermodynamics and Mechatronic and Robotic Design, which are her favorite classes. But today she just can't focus on anything but the discovery she made this morning. She looks out the window, which just happens to give her the best view of her best friends playing ball. All three are laughing and running after each other instead of actually throwing the ball. Seeing them have fun causes Asami to smile slightly. However, she could really only focus on Korra. Her short hair blowing in the wind, same old carefree crooked smile. That damn smile can make any Beta or Omega fall head over heels for her. Hell, Alphas too. That damn smile is going to get her in trouble one of these days...OH WAIT! It already has. Stupid cute Korra. She shakes the thoughts out of her head, they are both dating other people, but there has always been some kind of spark between them.

"Asami, could you please come to the front and finish this problem for us?" Asami nods and walks to the board, being pulled out of her thoughts by her professor.


"Alright everyone have a good day." The professor says allowing everyone to leave.

"Hey 'Sami!"

"Hi Opal." Asami says not meeting her friend's eyes.

"That bad, huh?" Asami nods. Opal puts an arm around Asami's neck, they decide to go to the roof of the computer science building, which is in front and to the right of the science building. On the roof is a small garden and some benches that overlooks the clock tower and a small part of the campus.

"So what's wrong?" Asami puts her head in her hands. "Asami Sato, how long have we been friends?"

"Since we were eight." Asami sighs.

"Exactly and we've never had secretes, you know you can trust me."

"I know" Asami sighs again looking at Opal, "It's just hard to say."

"Wanna text it to me?" Asami shakes her head no.

"Okay, here it goes. But you have to promise not to get mad or yell."

"I won't"

"You promise?"

"I won't just tell me damn it!" Opal pleads. Asami laughs and rolls her eyes.

"Alright...Opal.... I'm, uh, pregnant." Opal just says nothing, her eyes widen and her jaw drops to the floor. She stays like that for what seems like ten minutes.

"Opal say something."

"Who's the sire? It's Mako right?" Asami bites her lip and lowers her head.

"Mako and I have never, ya know," She admits.

"No. fucking. Way. WHO IS IT?!"


All Opal could do is stare, but after about five minutes she bursts out laughing.

"Opal! You're not supposed to laugh!" Asami wipes at her eyes swatting at Opal, she's kind of glad Opal's reaction is so positive, it helps lower her stress a bit.

"Of all the people, it would be Korra who'd get you into this situation. I must say, after thinking about it, I'm not surprised it's her."

"I don't think best friends are supposed to get each other pregnant Opal."

"Who cares, she's like the strongest alpha I've ever met, so it makes sense, and you two have been inseparable since you first met. Also you're an Omega."

"So are you damn it."

"Yeah, yeah, and I've had my struggles trying not to fall into Korra's trap, I admit, but I'm also not the one who has had feelings for her."

"I've never had feelings for her!"

"Mhm, whatever you say. But, how did this happen?"

"Want the long story, or short?"

"Is that even a question? Long, of course!"

Asami sighed.

"Ok well remember four weeks ago..."

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