Ch 6

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"You should make us food." Asami says sitting on a stool in the kitchen, very naked. Korra walks up behind Asami wrapping her arms around her, her equally naked frame acting like a warm blanket.

"Hm, what's in it for me?" Korra says with a smirk.

"I'm giving you two kids. Food. Now." Korra laughs when Asami pushes her toward the fridge rolling her eyes. Korra grabs just about everything from the fridge she could find. She makes a large spectrum of food ranging from noodles to bacon and eggs. Korra makes enough to feed her entire softball team, and she planned to eat most of it herself. They talk and laugh throughout their meal, perfectly content. Korra finally looks up from her food to find Asami has cleared more plates than her and is still eating. Asami never eats nearly as much as Korra does, usually one plate is too much, but she is making this look like a breeze. Korra stares in awe as Asami is now working on her 8th plate to Korra's 5th. Asami looks up to grab more water noticing Korra staring at her, mouth slightly open.


"Wow, I never thought I would see the day that someone out eats me." Korra says with a teasing grin.

"Don't forget I'm eating for 3. These two," she says pointing at her stomach, "Defiantly have your Water Tribe genes." Korra puffs out her chest laughing with pride, pushing two more plates of food towards Asami.

"Well, don't let them starve, you have to eat at least 10 plates." Asami rolls her eyes but eats more anyway, Korra trying (and failing) to catch up to Asami.


Korra puts the dishes away to be cleaned, while Asami gets dressed in a band tank and black shorts. Korra sent her to go do easy tasks so she doesn't overwork herself. Asami has argued that she can still handle everything, but Korra wasn't having it. A few minutes later, Korra comes in and puts on a plan white t-shirt and black sweatpants. She goes over to Asami who is sitting in her nest again, smoothing out the blankets.

"I put clean blankets on, can you, ya know."

"You want me to roll around in them again?" Korra laughs, plopping down on the bed rolling around.

"Shut up, starting Tuesday next weekis the beginning of Family Ed classes, I think we need to sign up. You know they are going to be mad if we aren't enrolled in the class when I start to show."

Republic City University and many other universities across the world, are required to have a Family program in their schools because of the high pregnancy rates among college students. The class is mainly taken by Alphas and Omegas, sometimes Betas as well, but it isn't common. Future parents take the class for three credits, the credits are there to encourage students to attend. Students aren't forced to attend, but the school will send emails every day until graduation to take the class, in hopes it will annoy students into going. The class is also confidential, and the school will not release any information about the students that attend, unless it is a legal issue or if it is life threatening. The class is also taken at night, to help with anonymity. The class goes over the essentials, how to feed, change, and burp a baby, how to lay the baby in a crib, how to baby proof a home, CPR, etc. They also will give families a "scholarship" so they can afford things for the baby, and help them start a college fund for the child.

"We can go to the admissions office Monday, my last class ends at 2." Korra says nodding in agreement, "I was hoping you could come over on Wednesday after the appointment for dinner to tell my parents about the kids, only if you're comfortable with that."

"Aren't they in the Water Tribe?"

"Yea they are, but they have to meet with Raiko, then they are going back. I asked them to meet with us."

"Should I wear my suppressants?"

"No, they'll want to smell you."


"Water tribe thing." Korra laughs.

"Ok, well I'll just try to keep my scent down..."

"So you'd be ok coming with me?"

"I would love to Korra," Asami cups Korra's face in her hands kissing her softly. Asami knows she shouldn't be showing Korra these little affections just yet, but the hormones and her feelings for Korra don't make it easy. "Sorry, I shouldn't do that."

"O-oh," Korra says with slight disappointment, "Don't worry about it."

"That reminds me, I'm meeting with Mako later today." Korra growls at his name. She's my mate, she carrying my children, I won't let him take them away from me. I swear I'll rip him apa-Asami touches her nose and forehead to Korra's immediately getting rid of her angry jealous scent, knowing Korra is not happy about Mako having anything to do with her.

"Calm down Korra." Asami runs her fingers through Korra's hair soothing her. She's right I'm not her mate, nor am I her girlfriend.

"Sorry, I'll just go hang out at the gym and maybe with some people from the team." Korra says turning away from Asami, grabbing her workout back stuffing her gear and workout clothes.

"Korra." Asami says reaching out touching her shoulder. Korra gives her a smile, kissing her cheek.

"Text me when it's safe to come back, ok?" Asami nods and says bye, watching Korra leave from her window. Asami knows what she needs to do, but she can't help the nervous feeling she is getting. She decides to occupy her time by drawing prototypes for a new line of cars. After about an hour Asami's phone flashes.

Mako (Now): I'm here.

Asami goes outside, where Mako pulls her in kissing her. He pulls away when he notices she doesn't kiss him back.

"Are you alright?"

"Yea Mako, but we need to talk."

"What's wrong?'

"I don't know how to say this. We haven't been as close as we have before, and I don't feel the same way about you as I used to. I'm going through a lot of changes in my life, and I feel like this is for the best... for both of us. Mako, I think you are an amazing person and I care about you. I don't want this to affect our friendship. " God, I sound like a chick flick.

"Asami, come on, we can work through this."

"Not this time, none of this is your fault. I'm hurting you and I can't do that anymore."

"Asami, I lo-"

"Mako don't, please don't. I'm not going to change my mind, I will give you as much space as you need but I think we would be better as friends." Mako nods and sighs getting back in his car not saying another word, driving away. Asami closes her eyes, nothing but guilt filling her heart. Asami decides to walk to the lake to clear her head. She sits quietly, she feels horrible for making him feel this way and she will miss what they had, but she knows that this was the best choice for her, Mako, Korra, and her children. But right now she just wants to be comforted. She wants her Alpha.

Asami (Now): Come home, please.

Korra (Now): Ok, are you alright?

Asami (Now): I'll explain when you get here.

Asami lies back on the grass, feeling the breeze listening to the water lap at the edge of the lake. She stays like this for a while until she smells that familiar ocean scent, and hears something take a spot next to her. Asami turns her head opening her eyes to bright blue ones. The emotion she was forcing to go away, is too much to handle. Asami rolls into Korra, and buries her face into her chest and let's herself to show some weakness. Korra holds her tightly, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head.

"I broke up with him."

"I'm sorry."

"I feel bad for hurting him."

"I know, you both will be ok, and you both will be friends again. I know Mako, he'll stay strong." I hope.

"Thanks Korra." Korra moves back wiping Asami's face.

"Let's go to bed." Asami nods letting Korra carry her to her room. 

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