Little Sister

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Sometimes I despise living in Hell's Kitchen. Tonight is one of those nights. I was hanging out at Josie's and doing some college work. Thankfully, the regulars know me and didn't bother me too much - though I did appreciate them taking an interest in my work. Somehow, that environment helps me focus more than being alone in my room. A little after midnight, I finished my essay and decided to call it a night. So, I packed up, said my goodbyes and left.

The problem arrived as I was walking home. I got attacked - what else would you expect from Hell's Kitchen? Lucky for me, the Devil of Hell's Kitchen came to my rescue. There's a good chance I'd be dead if he didn't. I wish he showed up a little earlier but I guess I can't really complain. At least he got my laptop back in one piece.

I'm grateful that he offered to walk me home - but given previous events, I'm not loving the idea of spending the night alone. Instead, I gave him my brother's address after clarifying my reasoning. However, before I can knock on the door, he disappears. With him now gone, I have the displeasure of knocking and waking up my brother at nearly 1am.

"Y/N, what're you doing here? Are you okay?" He answers oddly quickly.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

"Uh, yeah. Is everything okay?"

"I'll explain inside." I state as I push past him.

"Sorry for the mess." He apologises as he follows me.

I try to be quiet so I don't wake anyone else up. When I walk into the main room, I see papers spread all over the table.

"Sorry for waking you up."

"You didn't. I'm still working on a case - there's this tiny bit of information that I can't wrap my head around but it's the key to winning this." He rambles before taking a proper look at me in better lighting. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Oh, you'd never guess. I got mugged. Group of guys started beating me up to steal my laptop."

"Writing essays at Josie's again?"

"Yeah. Get ready for the twist. They were Russian! Probably thought I had some important code or whatever it is Russians want."

"Russians?" He sounds genuinely confused.

"Yep. Got a few bruises - and was lightly stabbed." I mumble that last part. "But my essay is safe."

"Stabbed? You were stabbed?" He yells in shock.

"Barely." I shrug it off.

"What does that mean?" He's freaking out.

"It was just the once and it wasn't even that bad. See?" I lift my shirt slightly to show the wound on my stomach.

"Not that bad? It needs stitching! Sit down, I'll fix it."

"Foggy, I'm fine." I insist as I sit on the couch. "That devil guy turned up and bailed me out."


"He turned up, saved my ass and walked me here. Everything is okay."

"What is going on?" Marci questions as she leaves her room - clearly having been woken up.

"Y/N got attacked by some assholes trying to steal her laptop. I said she could stay the night." Foggy rushes back over to me with a first aid kit.

"Honey, are you okay?" She asks me.

"She was stabbed!" Jesus, he's hysterical.

"I'm fine, Marci, really. Foggy is just being dramatic."

"Normally, I'd agree but you were literally stabbed. I'll go get you something to change into." She changes the topic before heading back to her room.

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