First Night

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When I applied for law school, I knew that it'd be an uphill battle no matter the result. This is just another male dominated business and I feels unlikely that I'll be taken seriously - or even make a friend in this place. My entire family has been skeptical about my career choices since day one. I'm truly alone at the start of this new chapter.

Despite their lack of belief, my dad helped me pack my stuff into my car and watched as I drove away alone. At least he paid for gas. For the next 4 hours, I was accompanied only by the rock and pop hits of the 80s blasting through my speakers.

It took longer than I thought it would, but I finally pulled up to Colombia with the sky already getting fairly dark since it's a little after 8pm. I headed right to the reception to get the keys to my dorm room. Opening the back of my car, I realise that I have more stuff than I thought. Luckily, someone has just found me.

"Hey, need help moving in?" A blonde woman asks me.

"Yeah, please." I sigh with relief as she picks up one of the boxes. "Thanks."

"No problem. I'm Marci. Marci Stahl."

"F/N L/N. Nice to meet you."

"You too. Why are you checking in so late?" She questions as we walk towards the dorms.

"Long drive. Also shitty traffic."

"Ah, yep. That'll do it. Which room are you in?"

"Uh, 3-11."

"End of the hall."

I follow Marci to my room before dumping the boxes on the ground. We do a couple more trips before everything is in the new space. Apparently, I have a week before my roommate arrives.

"Thanks again for the help."

"Of course. Now for some words of wisdom." This should be good. "Most of the guys here are absolute garbage morons. If you're gonna befriend them, pick carefully. Then use the rest to your advantage to get to the top."


"I'm gonna go since we're done here. I'm in room 3-19 if you need me."

After Marci turns the corner, I final take a break to sit on the bed. Knowing I can't just procrastinate and live out of boxes, I decided unpack and get it over with. With everything in its place, I practically pass out and wake up from my short nap to see its 9pm. I didn't have friends at home, so I might as well try to get some here. The people across from me and to my right aren't in, but the guys in room 3-12 have their door wide open, so I knock.

"Yeah?" The long shaggy-haired guy doesn't look up from his laptop.

"Hi." He suddenly glances at me at the unexpected female voice. "I just moved in next door and thought I'd introduce myself. F/N L/N."

"Foggy Nelson." He stumbles over with a weird new excitement to shake my hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." I smile sincerely as the other guy, who I quickly realise is blind, approaches us.

"Matt Murdock." He extends a hand which I gladly shake.

"I know it's 9pm and we just met, but do you guys wanna go get some food or drinks? It's fine if not - I'm just trying out the whole making friends thing for once." I ask nervously.

"Uh, yes. Absolutely." Foggy seems oddly eager. "Matt?"


"Great. I'll go grab a jacket." I sigh with relief as I leave the guys. As Foggy tends to his laptop, Matt appears at my door.

"Please forgive Foggy. He's just excited to have a beautiful woman talk to him willingly."

"How would you know if I'm beautiful?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Lucky guess?" He gives a cheeky smile.

As the three of us walk to a local bar for both food and drinks,we make small talk. Most of it is about my long journey to get here. Its good to know that they appreciate my taste in music. Finally sat at a table with sustenance, the conversation has a good flow. Joking around, I have a feeling we're gonna be good friends.

"So, Foggy, how did you get that name?" Matt immediately starts chuckling.

"I've been known to be... A bit of a loud snorer."

"A bit? Don't lie to the woman." Matt laughs as I look at Foggy for the truth.

"Okay... I've been compared to a foghorn. Hence the name Foggy." He gives in.

"Hope you brought earplugs." Matt jokes before taking a swig of beer.

"It's that bad?"

"I woke myself up once." Foggy admits with little shame left.

"You woke up the whole block, buddy." Matt laughs.

"Impressive. I might have to sleep with headphones on then."

"I have some spare earplugs you can have." Matt offers.

A couple of hours go by and I really like these guys. I think I chose the best people at Colombia - even though I haven't met many people yet. Anecdotes have been flying around as we get to know each other better. Even though I don't want to drag the vibe down, I ask a slightly more serious question.

"Did your family support the fact you wanted to be a lawyer?" I ask Foggy since Matt doesn't have a family.

"Eventually. You see, my mom wanted me to be a butcher."

"Not the butcher story again." Matt groans with a grin. "I've heard this story 5 times - I could recite it to you."

"I said 'no, mom. I want to be a lawyer.' I don't remember what I said next."

"You never do." Matt quips making us chuckle.

"Family business I'm guessing?" I comment.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Foggy appears impressed.

"What other reason would someone want their kid to be a butcher?" I joke. "Besides, my folks wanted me stick with our family business, so I know it when I see it."

"Really?" Matt can't believe he might have to keep hearing a new butcher story.

"What kind of business is it?" Foggy takes a genuine interest.

"My great grandma's bakery. I helped make a lot of stuff as a kid. Naturally, they wanted me to sell my soul to it. When I said I was applying for law school, they had no faith since 'the bakery is all we know.' Even though they were, and still are, skeptical about it all, they knew they couldn't stop me."

"Well, a toast!" Foggy raises his bottle. "To new friendships and proving food loving families wrong!"

"Hell yeah!" The three of us cheers our glasses and carry on with a great first night.

I've definitely chosen the right guys to befriend.

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