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It's no secret that trying to afford any living situations or workplace is insanely difficult - especially here in Hell's Kitchen. It's also a well-known fact that Foggy and I will burst into song whenever and wherever - belting showtunes much to the dismay of those around us. Can you guess where this is going?

Foggy and I spent the night in the office to try to figure out what to do with the information - also wanting to fast track the case so we can get to a (hopefully) more pleasant one. Although things started well, we quickly lost our minds. Instead of talking like normal people, we started singing our conversations. We truly went insane. Soon enough, we gave up and just turned the office into a karaoke bar.

When Karen came into work this morning, she was met with mine and Foggy's unconscious bodies on the ground. She dropped a box of books on her desk to wake us up. Upon impact, we jumped awake with fear - which also made me accidentally kick Foggy in the face. I immediately apologised as he groaned in pain.

"Long night?" Karen chuckles.

"Yep." We stand up, stretch and dust ourselves off as we try to properly wake up.

"I'll make you guys some coffee."

"Thank you, oh gracious one." Foggy smiles but I roll my eyes and shake my head at him - his attempts at flirting are just sad.

We sit around chatting about how our night went as we drink our much needed coffee. The caffeine kicks in right as the topic of rent is brought up. Our practice has been struggling a bit as of late, so money has been a little scarce.

"How're we gonna pay?" Karen asks the important question. Foggy and I glance at each other and smirk. "Oh, no." Karen realises what's about to happen.

"How're we gonna pay? How're we gonna pay? How're we gonna pay last year's rent?" We break into the chorus of the title song of Rent.

"I didn't realise this was a Broadway rehearsal." Matt laughs - we were so focused on the the song that we didn't realise he finally showed up.

"Hey. You hear that Fog? We're good enough for Broadway."

"Finally, someone recognises our potential." He plays along with the joke.

"I didn't mean to set them off, but I did." Karen admits to her mistake.

"You guys stink."

"Thanks, Matt." My sarcasm comes through.

"Love you too, man." Foggy adds.

"You haven't been home yet, have you?"

"Nah, we spent the night trying to crack the case." Foggy confirms.

"Oh, yeah? How much time was spent singing showtunes?" He knows us too well.

"I'll have you know that we worked really hard to make progress on that case." I protest.

"How much?" Matt doubles down.

"About 78%..." Foggy mumbles - ratting us out.

"78?" Karen's eyes widen.

"Foggy!" Matt laughs and grins - unsurprised.

"What? We actually made progress." He's not lying. "Besides... Y/N started it!"

"I did not!" We begin bickering like siblings.

"Children! Children! How about we actually do some work?" Karen interrupts us.

We give each other a little nudge before grabbing stuff from Foggy's office. The papers are everywhere. We drag everything into the meeting room. I feel like I'm still half asleep despite the coffee.

"You know, I didn't take you guys for a pair of lyricists." Matt states as we sit at the table with him. Foggy and I give each other confused looks. "You're so concerned about paying rent that you made a song about it?"

"... You're joking, right? This is a joke?" I say what we're both thinking.

"What?" He let's out a small laugh of confusion.

"Oh, Matt. Don't tell me you haven't seen Rent..." Foggy looks disappointed.

"I haven't seen much of anything, Foggy." Matt jokingly reminds him.

"I- you know what I meant." Foggy sighs - he always falls into these traps.

"You really don't know any of the songs?" I take the pressure off Foggy.

"Pretty sure I haven't." He shakes his head.

"Not even Seasons of Love?" Once again, he shakes his head.

"Everyone knows Seasons of Love, Matt!" Foggy's disappointment grows even more after singing the intro to no avail.

"Karen, grab the CD player! Matt's letting the team down!" I call out to Karen at her desk.

Though confused, she knows not ti question things like this. So, she does as requested - deciding to stay to see where this is going.

"Is this what I think it is?" Karen questions.

"If you're thinking that we're forcing Matt to listen to the soundtrack for the hit musical Rent whilst also performing it, then you're absolutely right." Foggy smiles innocently.

"Come on, guys. We've got work to do." Matt tries to escape us.

"Screw work. You need to be educated."

We proceed to play and perform the entire musical for Matt. Let me tell you, Foggy and I have no shame in regards to this. Regardless of skill, we dance around and sing as loud as we can - even bringing Karen in for the small parts she knows. I can't tell if Matt is smiling because he's loving the music or because we're having the time of our lives. Let's go with both. As we wrap up the show, I grab Foggy's hand for our final bows.

"Thank you. Thank you. We're here for the rest of your lives." Foggy announces proudly.

"But you have to pay next time." I joke.

"That was great. Definitely a better use of our work time." I know Matt is joking, but it was definitely worth it.

"You guys are seriously adorable. Is there something going on with you two?" Karen seriously misinterprets our relationship.

"God no." I scoff.

"No way. Absolutely not."

"Why not? You're clearly soulmates."

"We may be soulmates, but not in the loved up sense." Foggy explains.

"Yeah. Our relationship is strictly platonic. I'd die for him but you would never find me kissing him or something."

"It's a shame - but fair enough." Karen understands instead of trying to push it.

"... Can we actually do some work now?"

"We probably should."

For a night working overtime, I had a lot of fun.

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