Gale Temper

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-Gale Temper, screaming at Aggison Prandergeist after bullying her for her ancestor (Goodie Temper).

Gale Temper, often mispronounced/misspelled as "Gayle", is a main character in "ParaMollnan". She is said to be Bluey's #1 favorite character, saying "she's a girl boss, she's badass, and she will definitely turns the heads of the audience with her quippy remarks and ferocious attitude.", along with being a favorite character among many others. She is the best friend of the protagonist; Addison Wilcott, and comes from/is the offspring of the Temper family, her ancestor being Goodie Temper, a widow and manufacturer of dairy products who accused Agatha Pranderghast of Witchcraft. Amelia and Goodie are known as the only two women who have accused Aggie, the other 5 being males (Eben Hardwick, Lamuel Spalding, Thaddeus Blackwell, Will London and Judge Hopkins). Now, in the 21st century, the Temper family has moved from working in the dairy product industry, and began to working in the law.

Gale's family evolved from dairy product production to law- starting with her father; Charles "Chuck" Temper. Her dad is a cop in Blithe Hollow/Salem, and her mom, Felicia Temper, is a 9-1-1 call respondant. When she grows up, Gale claims she wants to be a cop like her dad- saying "I've got the attitude and look for it."

Gale is best friends with Addison Wilcott. She also is a target for bullying- despite her strong and harsh attitude. Aggison Prandergeist calls her family out, saying that her license plate (Gale's birthday is in October, and her father spent his savings on an expensive car with a custom license plate saying the family name) is special only because her dad is a cop, and calls her ancestor a "looney" for accusing a little girl (Aggie) of witchcraft. In this response, Gale goes rabid and raging, yelling and screaming at her. In response, Aggison makes the situation even worse by saying "My my, no wonder why your last name is Temper- you can't even control it."

Gale has pale blue eyes, pale skin and somewhat emo/goth attire. She wears greyish-black combat boots, a black choker necklace and baggy jeans. She also has naturally dark brown hair, but it is now dyed black. She also is the tallest member of the cast (living-wise; excluding Judge Hopkins because he crouches as a zombie).

Despite her anger issues, Gale wears her heart on her sleeve, and will stand up to anyone and anything. She is responsible, and brave to face things her own way. Though she may come of as an asshole or ignorant at first, Gale is truly a warm-hearted person who will stand up for you-no matter what. This is great for Addison- because she can talk to Gale without being judged or bullied. With her stony gaze and rampaging height, people at the High School fear her, others see her as a role model for her bravery.

Fun Facts:

-People on Discord call have called Gale "emo" due to her black attire. In response, Bluey drew Gale in her reaction to what she might do if someone called her emo; she would flip them off.

-She had natural brown hair, like Goodie Temper does.

-She is the MOST of the SHTM fandom's favorite character, regarding to the ancestor kids.

-An edit of Gale has been made by the director or ParaMollNan, featuring the song "Doktorspiele"

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