Will Bones

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"Aw... Isn't Norman Babcock your little manly man..."
-Will making fun of Addie's love for Norman

William Bones, also called Will, is another one of the main characters in "ParaMollnan", and the only male main character in the trio. He is the second male main character; the first being Judge Hopkins. Will, unlike Gale and Addison, is not related to any of the pilgrims who accused Agatha of Witchcraft; in fact, he is the complete opposite. His mother had named him Will/William after Will London, one of the pilgrims who accused Aggie, and one of the youngest pilgrims in the group. However, Will does not look like Mr. London in any shape or form.

Not much is known about Will's past- the creator, nor the viewer gets info about Will's family or childhood. All we know is he is a strange kid, and is a sophomore in High School, along with Addison Wilcott and Gale Temper.

Will's appearance can be best described as "Tyler from Turning Red; except he doesn't look at cocky". He has tan skin, freckles, a headband and his ears pierced. He also has brown eyes and dark hair- the color isn't exactly elaborated enough. He wears a green and orange uniform- being revealed to be celebrating Paranorman- apparently later revealed to be a zombie head on the back. He has socks like Addison, and orange/peach athletic shoes. He also has a bright orange band-aid on the side of his face. This injury was most likely from another student or from sports.

Will's personality is a bit... Strange to say the least. According to him, everything gives him the " heebie jeebies" as he calls it, examples of these things including ghosts, the dark, girls and cemeteries. He also has an extreme liking to make fun of others based of who they like/have a crush on. Will can come off as a bit quirky and weird. He also comes up with dumb remarks, to this, Addison and Gale say "Shut up, Will." (This happens more often in the installation than you think). He also hates anything that is dead- this includes zombies, dead bodies in general, ghosts and other monsters. He also enjoys the film Paranorman... Coincidentally... As seen on his jersey/uniform....

Despite being seen as a weird and quirky student, Will does actually have involvement in sports. He plays on Salem Hill High's football team- Gale often teases him about it and tells him how "awful" he is at sports- any sport- not just football. However, despite this feedback, Will is confident in himself, and will brag about his football and athletic abilities to anyone- except for girls. *insert "Shut up Will" joke here*

Fun Facts:

-His jersey and appearance is mainly based off of Tyler, a bully in Disney Pixar's "Turning Red".

-His quirky attitude and weird behavior has gained him the nickname "quirky white boy" or "quirked up white boy" by Bluey and her friends- however Will isn't white- he has a tan skin color.

-Due to a video of Tyler shaking his butt to "Fortnite Balls all in your FACE", Bluey and others have also given Will the nickname "Fortnite Balls" because of the video, and partially because he's a quirked up white boy.

-Bluey has made a video of Will, showing his ref sheet while "Fortnite Balls" plays in the background (uhh cause why not?! I'm funny!!!)

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