Eden Hardwick

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"Yep, I made my costume too... Like it?"
-Eden, to Gale at the Kwik-E's store

Eden Hardwick is a minor character in ParaMollNan. She is currently the only character in ParaMollNan to have a mental/emotional disorder (other than Addison who has PTSD from her parent's death), and the only one to wear glasses. She also is the only Freshman in High School in the ancestor kids group (Addie and Gale are sophomores, Lauren is a junior and Aggison is a senior. Mr. Blackton graduated in 1995- and is the only ancestor kid that is an adult). She is the descendant of Eben Hardwick; one of Agatha's accusers who was also a preacher and lecturer in life.

Eden is the youngest of the troop, being born coincidentally in October of 2007. As a child, her parents felt as though they had a burden, because instead of playing with other children, Eden stood up staring at the ground. Her parents took her to doctors- until a far away hospital declared that Eden  was diagnosed with autism. Her parents were heartbroken that their daughter had to suffer through a mental/emotional/functional disorder, but they were willing to risk their lives to protect and nurture their child as any other parent would.

As said by the creator (me)- who also has autism, each kid with the disorder has their own "it" thing- a subject they know very much about and will babble off about it (for me, it was animals, now it's Spirit Halloween animatronics and generally Halloween in general). And coincidentally, for the little girl born in October, Eden's was Halloween. And no, she wasn't the kid to be jumping up and down over cute or creepy decorations- Eden could tell anyone- even her parents and doctors the Holiday's celtic roots, traditions and customs. She could also explain the monsters of Halloween (such as Dracula, Frankenstein etc.) and how they were formed literally. At first, her doctors and teachers were concerned for Eden's love for the morbid holiday- but her parents were relieved when her therapist said that it was normal for her- since she had autism. Since then on, Halloween had been Eden's favorite time of the year- and she would mark down the dates on her calendar until the big day. It seemed like for Eden, Halloween revolved around her.

Eden is a small girl- in fact- she's the smallest of the cast (Gale being the tallest, Hopkins being the tallest in general). She has fair colored skin and brown eyes. She has painted nails with rings and occult jewelery on her fingers. She also wears a purple occult necklace with a witch's hat and robe. Eden also adorns glasses. Her hair is intertwined of two colors- a light transparent blonde and chocolate brown.

Many people view Eden as a "freak" or "learning impaired" since she has autism. It is often because of her condition that she gets made fun of and teased- her being a main target for Aggison Pranderghast. Eden is very sensitive- and will cry if anyone hurts or angers her. Her emotions are rather unpredictable, but due to her autism, Eden is proven to be rather smart- this comes to her schoolwork, knowledge on Halloween and problem solving in tough or dangerous situations. She also has a deep interest in the morbid holiday, showing her interest by telling facts or suspicions in the olden days. Who knows- if you're around Eden, you may learn a thing or two about Halloween- or as she would put it... "Samhain".

Fun Facts:

-The main personality for Eden came from a character in Michael Dougherty's 2007 film "Trick R' Treat" named Rhonda. Rhonda, like Eden, is autistic, has glasses and wears a witch costume. Rhonda also shares a deep interest in the holiday.

-Eden's hair is a mix of her ancestor's hair- both Eben's hair color when he was alive (a dark brown) and as a zombie (a light, almost transparent blonde)

-Eden's ancestor was the shortest of the 7 pilgrims to accuse Agatha of witchcraft- the tallest being Judge Hopkins.

-Her Homecoming outfit actually references all of the Pranderghast Massacre victims (except for Agatha), referencing an object and/or symbol of their profession. On her neck is a necklace with a cross on it, referring Eben's job as a preacher. Her belt has a golden cow head on it-resembling Goodie's career as a dairy product manufacturer (dairy products come mostly from cows), and on the bottom on her dress there are several more objects etched in gold (A hand pointing for Lemuel, A farming rake for Thaddeus, a note paper for Will, a flower for Amelia and a gavel hammer for Judge Hopkins), circled with a gold design.

-In the whole installment, Eden constantly wears glasses. The only time she doesn't wear her glasses is at the Homecoming dance. She also wears her hair up in a ponytail instead of down, like it usually is.

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