My Demon Boyfriend Part 1

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This was requested by inuama_senju

This book was on my old account Uchihagoddess2. If you were a previous fan of this book please re-add it to your list and vote on the stories if you like them. I will also be taking any and all requests

This will be following the storyline of demon slayer but I will also be changing a few things.


I remember it clearly. The day Hashirama and I lost our families will forever be engraved into my mind and his.

It started out as a regular Wednesday. Snow was falling gently covering our house and the ground in a thick snow blanket. I was outside getting ready to head out and sell charcoal. The new year was about to begin and I wanted there to be enough food for everyone to have seconds or even thirds if they wanted.

My boyfriend Hashirama was on his way over with his family so I wanted to wrap this up as quickly as I could so the two of us could spend time together. Normally, my father, Tajima would be with me but he was too sick to do it and my siblings were busy helping our mother.

Hashirama and I see each other every day naturally but it's not every day both our families spend the day with each other since we live on different sides of the mountain. If I'm not at my house I'm at his and vice versa. The two of us were currently eighteen and have been dating since we were fifteen. There's absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for him. He's the one I want to be with for the rest of my life

"Madara, seriously. Your all covered in shut". My mother Misa said coming outside. "Here let me clean you up". She made her way over to me and whipped my face with a washcloth. "You don't have to go you know, all this snow could be dangerous".

"I want us to have a good New Years' celebration where everyone can eat as much as they want. So I'll sell all the charcoal I can". "How thoughtful". She said smiling. "Hey Aniki"! One of my little brothers said running up to me.

"Are you going to town again today"? Izuna asked. "I'm coming with you". Ryuko said. "No your not, you know you can't walk as fast as Madara can sweetie". "Oh come on mom". "No way, he's not going to be able to use the cart today which means he can't give you a ride when you get tired".

They both made their way over to me. "Aniki". Izuna said holding onto my waist. "I wanna come with you, I promise I'll help out". ""That's very generous of you Ryu but you have to stay here and help mom out with dad, and you Izuna, with me being away that means you'll be in charge.

I'm counting on you to take care of things until I come back but I promise to bring back something for all of you". "Promise"? "I promise". I said smiling. "Thank you for doing this Madara". Mom said as my youngest brothers Rin, Haru, and Haruto made their way over to her.

"Of course mother". "Aniki". The twins called out. "I'll read to the both of you when I come back". They smiled. "Rin do me a favor please. Help Izuna chop up as much firewood as you can until I get back".

"Yeah, I had already planned on doing that anyway but I was kinda hoping we'd do that together this time". He said pouting. I made my way over to him and ruffled the top of his head. "We will next time ok". I said smiling.

"Cut that out will ya"! He yelled swatting my hand away making me smile more. I told everyone but as I placed the basket of coal on my back and headed down the mountain. On my way there I ran into Hashirama and his family.

His brothers stood next to him while he carried his little sister on his back. "Hey there Madara". He said smiling. "Hey Hashi. It's good to see you as well Lord Butusama, Lady Tsukiyama". I said giving his parents a forward bow.

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