My Demon Boyfriend Part 12

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"No you can't, I won't allow it! Please don't go Shoichi! Please you gotta stay with us, I've seen how powerful you are. I need you around to protect me from danger"! Zenitsu said complaining as we stood at the bottom of the mountain.

It was time for the kids to head home but he was holding onto Shoichi as if his life depended on it. "Stop it, he's obviously not interested". I said pulling him off of him. "Please don't leave me behind Shoichi, I beg you"!

"I said stop it"! I hit him in the side of his neck making him pass out. "Hold out your hand". My crow said to Kiyoshi. He did as told and spit a small bag into his hand. "Ew, what's that"!? "That will ward off demons, as the one with merachi be sure to keep that on your person".

"It smells like Wisteria"? "What's Wisteria"? "A flower demons can't stand. Make sure not to lose it". "It's a demon repliant, it will keep them at bay". He smiled. "Thank you for everything Madara, we can all get home on our own now". "Safe travels".

"Now everyone follow me, follow yours truly". My crow said as he flew over us.

"Come on and fight me, I swear I'll find your weak point and bring you down"! Inosuske yelled as we walked. "I have a name you know, it's Madara Uchiha". "Alright, Mara Uchiwa, im gonna bring you down". "Who are you talking about"?

"You of course"! "No your not"! "Excuse me, could you keep it down please"!? When we finally made it to our destination it was nighttime. "It's time to rest, you've all had a tough day". My crow said as we stood in front of a gate that had a wisteria crest on it.

"It does beat sleeping on the ground". "Let's eat this thing". "What"!? The doors opened suddenly and revealed a small old woman. "Yes"? "It's a ghost"! "Shut up"! I yelled at Zenitsu. "We're sorry to bother you so late ma'am but the three of us were hoping to spend the night here".

"Should I presume that you are all demon slayers"? "We are, What's it to you"? "Inosuke"! "Please come in". She opened the gate for us and we all walked in behind her. "This is where you'll he staying. You'll be provided with a change of clothes to cleanse your body and a warm meal to cleanse your soul".

"Thank you very much". "She has to be a monster! How else would she be able to make all of this food so fast"! I hit him upside his head to make him shut up. The three of us ate our food and we were seen by the doctor there.

When it was time for lights out I snuck outside with Hashirama and let him out of his box. I looked at him annoyed when he took off his muzzle and started laughing. "Oh shut up, your not the one that has to put up with them all day". "Ok ok, I'll stop". He said sitting in front of me crossed-legged.

I smiled at him before pulling him in for a kiss. "I love you". "I love you too. There's something you need to know though". "What's that"? "For the past few days I have been able to sense seven demons following us but the weird thing is I don't feel any negative energy from them.

They almost feel familiar somehow". "In a good way"? "I think so". "Your worried Inuske will hurt them"? "He's hot-headed Madara, if they haven't done anything then they shouldn't be hunted". "I agree.

"If we ever do run into them I'll be sure to handle Inosuke". "Thank you love, you also need to know that among the seven their are four children and two three teenagers". I understand". "How do you plan on explaining me to them"? "I'll simply tell them the truth". "Madara".

I cupped his his cheek. "Don't be afraid my love, I'll always be right here to protect you. You mean everything to me my sweat Senju". "And you mean everything to me my strong warrior". He said smiling as he leaned into my touch."Forever and always". "Forever and always". He said smiling.


I smiled as I watched Madara and Hashirama from afar. I could tell Hashirama was able to sense us nearby, it's not like we were trying to hide that fact. I knew we wouldn't be in any trouble though. The seven of us are more then capable of handling his two new traveling companions.

I couldn't help but laugh to myself, I could tell the two of them were getting on his nerves. I couldn't blame him though. From what I've seen the two of them are both a pain in the ass. First you have the blonde who's afraid of his own shadow then you have the hot head who only cares about fighting.

I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. "Anything new"? Tobirama asked coming to stand beside me as I sat in a tree. "Hashirama's starting to catch on to us". "I'm not surprised". "How are the others"?

He paused for a second. "Tobi"? I looked up at him worried. "It's Ryuko, she's really sick right now Izuna". He said looking at me sadly. "What! What Happened"!? One of the Hashira found her and poisoned her while she was walking home.

Inu tried to protect her the best she could but she got there too late". "Why weren't they together"? "They were fighting together at first but ended up being separated". "Where is she"? "At home laying in our bed, she's been asking for you".

I took off for the log cabin right away after he said that. He followed right behind me naturally. When we made it there I burst through the front door and ran upstairs to my room. Once their I laid down gently next to her and held her in my arms as she nuzzled into my chest.

"I'm here Ryu". "I don't feel good Izuna Nii". She whimpered. "I know". "I'm sorry Ryuko". Inu said looking at her worriedly. "This isn't your fault Inu, the two of you are only nine after all". "I want aniki".

"I know, I promise you'll see him soon, in the meantime try to get some rest for me". "Can't either of you heal her"? "No, out of all eight of us anija is the only one who inherited healing powers". I watched as Inu climbed in the bed and held Ryuko from behind.

The two of them were best friends but they acted more like sisters than anything. Not surprisingly really, they are the only girls among nine boys. "Your one of the strongest little girls I know. If anyone can get through this it's you.

Close your eyes, relax against me, and dream of all of us under the same roof again living together happily. I'm not going anywhere, I'll be right here when you wake up". I said softly. "So will i". Inu said. "The same goes for me". Tobi said.

She was asleep in less than five minutes.

I have to tell Madara the truth

Word Count. 1216

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