My Demon Boyfriend Part 4

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There's a reason I won. It had to do with relentless training but there was also another reason behind it. It didn't take me long to learn it at all. This wasn't something Urokodaki had thought me but something I had thought myself.

I had trained my nose on how to pinpoint and find the opening thread. As soon as I pick up the scent I'm able to see the thread. It guides me. It connects my blade to an opening the enemy leaves me and it tightens as soon as I see it. It quickly draws my blade forward, then I strike.

I heard footsteps approach as I continued to look at the boulder I had split open. Sabito had left a while ago. "Urokodaki". I said with my back to him. "If I'm being honest I never had any intention of sending you to the final selection.

Not because I wanted to keep you from achieving your goal but because I didn't want to see any more children die. I was sure you wouldn't be able to cut through this boulder but". He made his way to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Well done Madara, I'm truly proud. Make sure you come back from final selection alive, Hashirama and I will be waiting for you".

That night Urokodaki fixed a big meal for me in celebration of me passing my test. It was just the two of us, Hashirama was still sound asleep despite it being two years now.

"Madara, what did you think of the meal"? He asked as I laid next to Hashi. "It was delicious, thank you". "A growing boy with a appetite like yours will get bigger and stronger the bigger his meals are. The same applies to demons.

The more humans a demon eats the stronger it becomes, remember that". "So if they eat a lot the tougher it'll be to defeat them, makes sense". "That's right, they get stronger, physical traits change and some learn to use strange spells. You'll be able to tell how many souls they've claimed the more your sense of smell develops".

When the sun rose the next day I got up and prepared for my departure. I dressed myself in the fire kimono Urokodaki had gifted me then made my way over to Hashirama. I kneeled beside him and gently brushed a few strands of hair out of his face.

"I'm leaving now. I'll be gone for a couple of days but when I come back I'll be a full fledged demon slayer". I said softly as I cupped his cheek. "The two of us will then continue our journey together in search of a cure for you.

In the meantime all you have to do is continue resting. I love you". I leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips before heading out of his room.

"No need to worry about Hashirama, he's in good hands". I bowed to him. "Thank you, I appreciate it greatly. Thank you for everything". I turned and left.

I followed the instructions that were given to me and arrived there with in a few hours. When I arrived purple Wisteria trees were on each side of the entrance walk way. I looked at them confused having thought them to be out of season but brushed the thought aside and continued walking.

I made my way up the steps and saw multiple swordsmen there ready to partake in the final selection. I looked around and saw a lot of them had potential while others didn't.

"Good evening, tonight you've come to enter the demon slayers core final selection. Thank you all for being here". Two little girls said at the same time. One of them had snow white hair while the others hair was jet black.

"Here on mount fujikasane there are several demons that were captured alive by demon slauer swordsman. Their kept here for this event". The twin with the white hair said. "The Wisteria blossoms prevent them from leaving

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