Second letter

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Dear daddy,
I love you. Today was a terrible day at school. Well, everyday is pretty bad, but today was just worse. Jenny is the popular one. She makes herself feel good by making others feel bad. I don't care what I look like in school, I don't need to impress anyone. I wore my hair in a bun, old jeans, and a nirvana t-shirt, my usual. She came in with her new Luis Vuitton purse, uggs, and her hair and makeup perfectly put together. I swear she looked like a Barbie doll. I sat at my desk, near the window in the second row. Jenny saw her boyfriend, Scott, in the back corner, smiled and waved, took a sip of her Starbucks, turned around "tripped" and spilled it all over my jeans. "Oops, I'm sorry Loser, but at least I drew away attention from your face," she said. The whole class laughed. I wanted to run and cry. I wanted to escape. "Why don't you talk?" She said with a big fake smile, "Do you have anything to say?"
One of her side kicks, Cindy, butted in. "Sshh, don't talk to her, she has problems." They walked away to the back corner to meet her boyfriend, who she of course didn't deserve to have. He was cute, popular, star basketball, baseball, and football player. He had 3 colleges scouting him already as a freshman!
Of course, it was first period, so I had to walk around all day with Jenny's Starbucks all over me. These people just don't understand! They don't know
me! Why do they judge and bully me when they don't know my story? Why judge someone when you don't even know what your judging them for? I just need a shoulder to cry on right now. You and Emily can't be here right now, and mom just doesn't understand. I love mom, I just don't have that close relationship with her like I do you. Anyways, I really need you right now, but I'm staying strong because you also need me. You are out fighting for our country, and I need to be there for you, because you were always there for me.

Hope to see you soon,

Dear Daddy, I Love YouWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt