Eighth letter

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Dear daddy,
I love you. Jenny was making another scene again. I guess she somehow found out you were coming home for a little bit. I was walking around at lunch when she and her sidekicks came up to me. I held my breath and waited for her to talk. "So, you've been missing your daddy?" She said with a smirk like she was mocking me. "I heard he was coming to visit." I nodded and walked away, no way was I going to let her ruin my happiness. She can mock and make fun of me all she wants ,I'm done with it. I can't let it bother me anymore.
After lunch I ran through the halls trying not to cry. Why was I even upset? Jenny's words haven't been hurting lately, but it just hurt this time. It's the same things she normally says. I think maybe I'm just scared something will happen and I won't be able to see you. I shed a tear. People laugh as I run down the hallway. It's ok though. I'm staying strong for you, even if I can hardly stay strong for myself.

See you soon,

Dear Daddy, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now