Third letter

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Dear daddy,
I love you. It's the weekend, and that means I finally get away from school! I personally don't have a problem with learning because I want to graduate and go to college and be successful. I just don't want to be around all these people that make me feel like crap. I talked to mom about transferring schools, but there aren't any good public schools around, and we really don't have the money for a private school. Mom works really hard, but she just hasn't found a good stabilized job yet. So I guess I just have to deal with this for four more years.
Mom thinks I'm depressed. I've just been really upset and down lately. I think I should go to a therapist because I really need to let out all my thoughts and feelings. We just don't have the money. That is why I decided to write all these letters to you. I don't know if I'll ever send them, or I'll wait till I see you in person. I know I will see you again soon.

See you soon,

Dear Daddy, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now