Sixth letter

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Dear Daddy,
I love you. My birthday is coming up. Mom is all excited. I could probably care less. Birthdays are fun to celebrate, but only with the people you love. Mom keeps asking me what I want, but we don't have the money and I don't want her to feel bad she couldn't get the present I wanted. To be honest, what I want can't be bought. I want you. I want Emily. I want friends again like first grade. I want people to stop judging me. I want everyone to just be happy. Can we jut live in a happy world where it doesn't matter how we look and act, what we like, what kind of families we come from, or how much money we have? I want to be happy again. I'm not looking forward to my birthday at all. Maybe it won't be so bad though.

See you soon,

Dear Daddy, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now