Ninth letter

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Dear Daddy,
I love you. I haven't been working to hard in school lately. I have to much on my mind. I'm happy, sad, lost, and confused. I'm having mixed emotions about everything. I'm lost and confused without having you by my side, happy and excited your coming to visit, but then I have people at school like Jenny tat make me feel upset. Mom keeps asking and getting on me for my grades. I used to get all A's but now I'm getting mostly B's. "I know you have a lot going on right now, but that is no reason to stop working," she tells me as I look don at my food, "Maybe you just don't care anymore."
"No mom, I've just been having trouble concentrating lately," I said. She sighs and goes back to working. Mom has been working so hard lately, she even sits at the dinner table during supper to on her computer. I understand why, but I wish she'd look up to talk to me every once in a while. I just don't know what to do right now.

See you soon,

Dear Daddy, I Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now