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"Sevance met you since he was a child" Metis said while we're already in their dinning table. "you might forgot the kid you saved two decades ago in the shore.. because of wild animals chased him until he reached the edge and gladly you noticed someone needs a help." she saying this that full of sincerity.

"Wait, I still don't get anything" I'm still confused of what's going on. "if you're the grandma of Sev" I stopped and look at Sevance that sitting beside me "meaning Sevance's Mother is immortal"

"His Mother is my daughter Athena" she said that makes me surprised even more. "if you will ask me how since everyone knows that Athena has only one parent that produced by Zeus.. the god just swallowed me just to own my daughter and as the decades goes by, Zeus let me live again."

Still surprised from what's I'm hearing right now.

"Why you so shocked? I told you I already solved your worries even before incase you fall in love with me now" he teasing me again so I elbow his stomach but not that hard.

"You said you didn't meet your Mother because she died after she gave birth to you?" I looked to his entire soul "you lied to me!"

"Oh wait, don't accuse me that quick!" he defend and faced me "I'm saying the truth since I've never really get a chance to see Athena again after she gave birth to me, well, we had conversation few times before but that was through our mind." he explained and he looks like he's saying the truth.

"Sevance is right, Xanthe. Athena sent me to this realm to take care of his child because she didn't want Sevance to feel that she abandoned him." Metis said.

"Is that the reason why you suddenly disappeared?" I asked and she nodded.

I came back to my senses and look at their wall clock "I need to go" it's almost my duty time.

It really takes time for me before I came back to my senses considering how I surprised I was knowing the truth behind Sevance's family tree.

As I came back to my assigned place, a one deity suddenly approaches me.

I bowed when her face were already cleared to my naked eyes.

"You breaking the rules now, Xanthe." it's goddess Artemis.

Of course she will know immediately considering she have the ability to watch our inside feelings.

I gulped upon seeing her eyes that looking to my soul "my apologies, my goddess. Please forgive me once more and I'll never do it again." I kneeled.

"That will makes me unfair to other Nymphs, Xanthe." she looks like she doesn't have a choice but to punish me.

It's actually better if ever I'm only the one who will get the punishment.. I can't afford if Sevance get the punishment too.

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