3; open gym

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"Hello guys my name is Adeline Haddock I'm one of the captains I'm a junior I have been a captain for two years now, um there is one other captain named Vera but she is not here today," I paused looking around the group I saw some familiar faces like Jenny and Kenna and the boys like Aaron, Des, and Beck and a few others who's names I don't remember. "so since we only have 10 spots on the team and there are 14 of you that means that 4 of you will not make it onto the team and people who are returning you are not automatically put onto the squad any questions no good let's get started."

"Nice speech very inspiring but we all know me and beck aren't getting cut so can we just chill out please?" Des asked pleadingly with Beck making the same face.

I giggled at them and shook my head no, "and what makes you think that just because we are friends you automatically get on the team," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well I mean we are literally the cutest most lovable most attractive boys in this room so it would be wrong to not have us on the team," he smiled before looking down at me since he towers over me, "wouldn't you agree."

"Hm well I don't know about lovable I mean you are both such a pain but The cute and attractive part I can't say that's a secret," I said holding my finger up to my mouth, "oh um also my aunt has been really getting on my nerves so is it possible that I could stay with one of you guys?"

"Sure if you want we could have a big sleepover," Des said, "I mean my mom and Emmy love you so I don't think they would mind," he said looking between me and Beck.

"I would love to but you know how my mom is and also I don't think I would be able to handle your constant flirting I mean I get it it's funny to watch us squirm and get uncomfortable but seriously it was a joke but after two years it started to feel like you guys genuinely like each other," he said huffing and puffing out of breath. Des jokingly gagged and I hit his arm laughing.

"No Beck we don't like each other we are just friends all we'll ever be," I lied I had had a crush on Des since last year and part of me feels like he likes me back which is stupid because the constant flirting was always just a joke and we agreed it was we agreed nothing we said would be taken serious but still I couldn't help but blush at his comments. I turned away to look at what everyone else was doing and decided I should probably help out seeing as coach wasn't here.

"Ok kiddies how is everyone doing," I asked I got a chorus of "goods" and "oks" in reply I mean we didn't have much time left so I just let them continue doing what they were doing.

"Oh uh sorry to bug you again but um are you still planning on coming home with me I already asked my mom she said it's fine as long as you sleep in the guest room," he said blushing and giggling at the last part.

"Yeah just let me tell my aunt," I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and clicked her contact hearing it ring.

"Tell her me and Des said hi," yelled Beck from across the gym. I laughed hearing her finally pick up.

"Hey sweetie what do you need," aunt Belle asked.

"Well I was wondering if I could stay at Des's for tonight also Des and Beck say hi." She laughed in response.

"Well do you have school tomorrow I can never remember what day it is," she said laughing.

"No for some reason we have school off on Friday," I said.

"Then sure darling have fun but not too much oh and tell his family I say hi," she giggled which she does a lot, one of the things I hate about her most.

"Ok she said I could," I said excited, "oh gosh sorry one sec." I ran to the front of everyone so they could see me.

"Thank you guys for coming but I'm afraid open gym is over have a safe trip home and I hope I see you all at tryouts," I yelled to everyone I walked back to my spot and grabbed my bag from Des, "you ready," I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah sure"

Authors note
Srry this is really just a kinda filler chapter kinda boring but this was all I got I'm srry if it's not that good but anyway. Thx bye.💛🖤

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