7; Aunt Belle

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I walked around the now empty house quietly. Alden and Aunt Belle where always close Alden was the favorite so now since Alden died Aunt Belle hasn't been around much and when she is around she's in her room reading a book or writing her novel. I have nothing against Aunt Belle I mean she's an amazing person she took us in, two children she barely knew because our parents didn't want us and couldn't take care of us. She is also really pretty she has platinum blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, the only problem is she's to young to take care of us she's only just turned twenty-four not to mention she took us in when she was only seventeen because our parents didn't want to bring us with when they moved back out of  Canada. She has never dealt with children not to mention teenagers though her house is big enough where we can live comfortably.

"Adeline sweetheart come here for a second," Aunt Belle's voice bellowed through the house from her room. I walked up the stairs crossing through the long corridors and standing in her door frame.

"Yes Aunt Belle?" I asked. She was sitting at her desk on her computer typing something I assumed was for work or school.

"I have a meeting again tonight so you will have to get food yourself there is some frozen stuff in the fridge or you could order something," she said while putting her stuff away. I nodded somewhat disappointed and walked out of her room.

"Bye sweetheart love you," she yelled walking out. I sighed and sat at my desk I love my aunt don't get me wrong but she was always gone she never had time for us.

I grabbed my notebook from under my desk and started writing. I never told anyone but I was quite interested in poetry much like my aunt. I thought for a bit before deciding what to write about and the words to the poem almost instantly came to me.

Even though we need to weep your loss
You are never truly lost
You're in the place where lost things go
You're not alone
You've found your home
But now I'm alone
With only a memory
Of what we used to be
My somber soul
Is loosing control
Your loss has taken a toll
On my dull heart
And although I'm alone
At least I know
You're safe at home
In the place where lost things go

I titled the poem at the top of the page "Where the Lost Things Go" and shut my notebook I looked at my clock and realized I only wasted half an hour. I sighed and got up from my desk I grabbed my phone looking through Snapchat and instagram I got bored quickly and scrolled through old pictures I stopped upon seeing a picture from a while ago with Vera and Alden, we were at the yearly fair he had her on his back and she was kissing his cheek I was being picked up by our brother Marc I was laughing as I was trying to free myself from his grip. I remember that day it was the day we found out Marc had a girlfriend we teased him all day that day was only a few weeks before being told Marc had cancer I miss when every day was carefree when I still had my amazing brothers next to me. It was only when I reached up to move my hair that I realized I was crying. I soon fell asleep.

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