Some "Big" Problems

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I stand there with my back turned to to giant, still frozen from fear  the giant then says something. "Hey kid if you wanted to brake into my house maybe you should have let me know." I finally brake free from my fear and look up at the man and I immediately fall over in shock, it was the large skeleton man from earlier! He then reaches out a hand and gently picks me up with two fingers while saying "don't worry I'm not here to harm you." He then plops me down on the table I saw earlier today, He then hands me a grape.

"So kid its grape to meet you again." I look at the grape then back at him, I let out a little chuckle. He then Reaches out a finger I do the same and we almost touch fingers... Until we both hear someone yelling "SANS!" The sudden abrupt noise freighed me as I stumble back a few steps, it seems to have freighed the tall skeleton as well he before had black eyes with glowing white pupils but his eyes turned full black.

I then hear footsteps lead down to the kitchen that we're in, I didn't know how friendly the other one might be so I waste no time scaling down the table hiding behind one of the table legs. "Sans, didn't I tell you that you need to pick up your socks!" "Sorry brother I guess I sock at this." "Ugh, Brother must you ruin my day with your puns?!" I peek out my head to see the even taller skeleton stomp out the door as he said "Well, I'll be running some errands, I hope by the time I comeback you will have done something productive!"

I then hear more footsteps assuming that was the shorter skeleton and hopefully there's no third one. I thought I was safely hiding from him because I'm not sure how much I really do trust him still. He then spots me under the table "Oh there you are little guy!" He kneels down and reaches out to touch me face but I shove his finger away and I run off looking for an escape door when I spotted an outlet, but one small problem, there's a dog napping in front of it, or it was before it woke up and started barking excitedly.

The dogs loud barking started to make my ears ring and my vision go blurry, I then trip over something and slam myself into the trash can making a loud WHAM noise, my hearing is starting to fade in and out and my vision is going dark but what I can make out what he said was something along the the lines of "Oooh, that's gotta hurt, maybe I should have picked up my socks like paps asked."

                                                        478 Words

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